B A R N E S & M A N G O

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Saturday came and I had no time to be nervous. I was out in the city running errands all day. I got to take a break and go into one of my favorite stores of all time.

Barnes&Noble. I practically sprint through the doors and breathe it in. The smell of crisp books and paper with a faint hint of coffee hits my nose. I take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. 

"Last time I came here I almost died in the parking lot" I casually say to my brother. He looks at me and rolls his eyes. I did though, almost die, it's complicated. 

Here, I'll just tell you:

I was VERY bored one day. VERY. My band aid/ boyfriend (WHOM I LIKED A LOT OKAY) Was on a trip with his family to New York so I had no one to hang out with. I honestly had no idea who's idea it was or what was said but all I knew was that Kelly (We were friends at the time) was picking me up and we were going to meet DJ and Jackson somewhere. Now, we did this twice in like a week so I get them mixed up so I'll just mush them together. One of the times we ended up at the mall the other we went to Guitar Center then 2nd&Charles then one of those 2 times we ended up in the Barnes&Noble parking lot. Kelly was driving in her car and DJ and Jackson were in the other. It's unclear what really happened but all I remember was we were going way too fast, the boys wouldn't let us merge and we almost died. It was fun but like, adrenaline rush fun. 

Anyway, I make my way back to the kids (well, young teen) section, yes immature, I know but I was looking for something. A very specific book that I have been looking for FOREVER in a paperback copy. Sure I had the book on my paper-light kindle but I had lost the charger to it ages ago and the thing was long dead. 

I scanned the book shelves, running my fingers over all the spines of the books.


 I slipped the book off the shelve and held it in my hand. The bright orange book staring back at me with the imprint of a cat on it, Mango. 

A Mango Shaped Space By: Wendy Mass

My finger traced the title of the book. The funky different colored letters shining back at me. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone. I texted Jackson as I wondered toward the check out line. 

I found my favorite book

Really? What's it called?

Oh.. You wouldn't know it

Try me

A Mango Shaped Space.

Oh, you got me there. What's it about?

It's uh..It's complicated. I'll let you read the back cover when you come over tonight :)

Or...You could just read it to me. 

My heart fluttered. That was my idea of a perfect date. Sitting together on my bed just reading a book......Stop it. This wasn't a date. This was serious. 

As I bought the book the thought still lingered in my head. 

I'd love to read it to you :)

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