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February 11th - 13th was hands down the best 3 days of my life. Let me tell you. 

The night of February 10th they packed 100 kids onto 2 huge buses with wifi and hauled our asses from North Carolina to Florida. Why you may ask? 

Every other year our Arts programs, originally chorus and band, were invited to preform in Disney Springs (Downtown Disney), for the people in the parks. The theater arts department was never involved until my senior year. My director pulled some beautiful beautiful strings and got us a Broadway instructed workshop. What does this have to do with Jackson? He was in band. That's what. I was about to spend the next 3 days in total bliss with the love of my life. 

So back to the 10th. We were all required to be at the school by 8pm and they were going to night drive us to Bay Lake, Florida.  All juniors and seniors were on the same bus which was a pain in the ass because there were a group of juniors who would not shut up. I sat with my friend Logan, Jackson sat across the aisle from me and had both seats to himself. I spent most of that night jealously staring at him sleeping. It was still dark when we stopped at a rest stop to change and brush our teeth and shit. I have no idea where we were I just remember shimmying out of my pjs, putting on my green dress and leggings with some combat boots, getting back on the bus and, going back to sleep.

February 11, 2017 

When I woke up again we were in the parking lot of a McDonald's. Not just any McDonald's, the biggest McDonald's in North America. This thing was huge with a fish tank a HUGE playground and a full arcade with like a prize booth and stuff it was legit. I ate breakfast with my mom, Jackson and some friends then got the morning jitters. We were so close yet so far. We got back on the buses and they started handing out out Magic Bracelets. We did a dumb little countdown as we drove under the overpass entrance to Disney World. 

Animal Kingdom 

First stop was Animal Kingdom. Now that i have been to all the parks I can personally say that Animal Kingdom is my personal favorite. Nothing could possibly beat walking through gorgeous scenery holding hands with the love of your life. Jackson insisted we go on the Dinosaur ride because it was his favorite and then he proceeded to name every single dinosaur he saw, not like pet names but their actual scientific name. You know that feeling you get when you watch someone get excited about something they love? And how adorable they look when they're talking about it. Jackson would bounce up and down and point at all the dinosaurs and just list random facts about them. It was the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life and it honestly made the day 3000x better than it already was and I think he's the reason Animal Kingdom is my favorite park. After riding The Matterhorn twice and eating wayyyy too much pineapple  they loaded us up onto the buses to take us to Epcot. 


Honestly I feel like I got jipped out of Epcot it's definitely an all day part and if I were to ever go back I would dedicate a day to Epcot.  

We were set up for failure. There was this Sophomore named Justine. She swore she was a Disney EXPERT and she SWORE that we HAD to eat at Epcot and not Animal Kingdom. My problem is when I get hungry, I get tired, then I get grumpy. So I was hangry. We went to 4 DIFFERENT RESTAURANTS and got turned away from ALL of them. Mexico, Italy, Germany, Japan, USA that's like all I saw of Epcot. In short, I ended up eating American food and I made Jackson cry which made me HATE myselffffff.  That was the bad part.

There were good parts though.  

In Japan there were cool shops which I liked a lot. I bought Pocky because I am in love with it and I sat outside with Jackson and played the Pocky Game, you take a stick of pocky and put in your mouth and the other person slowly eats the other side and the first person to chicken out looses, for like 10 minutes then he disappeared. There were these clams, you could pick a clam and open it and get a pearl. While I sat outside, kinda bummed because I was alone, Jackson was inside getting a pearl. He came back outside with a goofy smile on his face and he pulled the tiny pearl out of his bag and handed it to me. I held it in my hand and pushed it around in the little ziploc bag with my finger. It was so pretty

"I love it" 

"I love YOU" 

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