A U G U S T 2 6 T H P T. 1

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A Friday. It was Kelly's birthday, everyone was using their off campus lunch to meet up at a Mexican food restaurant and "celebrate". I didn't, I was out making mistakes with DJ in places I shouldn't have been. But I wasn't thinking about DJ. I was thinking about Jackson. I wondered where he was and how he was. I hoped in the back of my head he wasn't with Kelly. DJ stopped and leaned back 

"What is up with you" he cocked his eyebrow and stared at me. 

"Nothing. I'm hungry. We have to be back at the school soon can we please get some damn food" I said. DJ groaned at me and put his sweatshirt on. 

"Fine. Hurry up" 

we're driving past the school and all of a sudden pulls into the parking lot. I'd been texting Jackson about food. He said he had a leftover slice of pizza and I could have it. I smiled until I realized the car had stopped

"Get out." Dj said, not even looking at me 

"Excuse me?" 

"My necklace is gone I think I left it where we were, you need to get out so I can go get it, now get out" I reluctantly get out of DJ's car. As it pulls out of the parking lot I see a familiar black van. My heart fluttered. It was Jackson's car. He texted me to come sit in his car with him and get the pizza. I hopped in the car and opened the pizza box.

"pepperoni and pineapple. nooooooo!" I joked. 

"Well, at least you ate already" He shrugged.

"I...I haven't" I muttered. He looked at me in disbelief with a hint of disgust. 

"He did't get you food?" he took his car out of park and backed out of his parking stop, mumbling under his breath. He drove me to McDonalds down the street. I got my food and I think we were bickering about something. I was defending DJ. 

"God, what do you see in him anyway" 


"Then why are you all over him?!"

"BECAUSE I'M MESSING AROUND WITH HIM" I screamed. I let it out. I let the secret slip. he looked hurt. 

"oh...." he said. We were back in the parking lot and I was explaining everything. I told him DJ couldn't know that he knew. 

"I promise" he said. All of a sudden one of the back door of his cars starts opening. It's DJ, I panic. Jackson looks at me with a fake look of surprise

"I can't believe you don't like that band!" he exclaims. I was confused for a second but then I caught on. He was covering for me. I fell a little harder. I smirked at him 

"I don't not like them, I just don't prefer them" he laughs

"You got lettuce all over my car." he says. I look around the floor and realize lettuce from my Big Mac had gotten everywhere.

"I'm so sorry" I giggle out. 

"Do you have fries" Dj grumps from the back seat. I roll my eyes. I had forgotten he was there. I throw my bag at him and he begins happily munching on my french fries. 

I glanced at Jackson and he was smiling at me. 

6th period was when I took the jump. The moment I risked everything. 

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