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It's May.
I graduate this month, so does Jackson 
Jackson and I have our ups and downs it's true. All relationships have ups and downs. We've had weeks of total and complete bliss and weeks of pure anxiety and trouble. But that does not stop me from telling you with 1000% (yea one thousand) confidence that this has been the best 9 months of my life.
This boy, who has been in my life for the past 4 years has managed to completely change my outlook on now I want my life to turn out to be. 9 months ago I was going to graduate on the 23rd of May, party all summer until my legs give out, then pack up my stuff and ship off to the mountains to go to college and never be seen again. I was going to live my life on the edge and do the stupidest things you could think of. Then, I fell in love with him. Doors shut and new ones opened as I began to adjust my plan to eventually support a family.. The mountains turned into a smaller university a little closer to home which in turn, transformed into community college for two years in my city. Partying turned into a steady job. He helped me realize that my life  is about to begin and he's going to be there with me. He's attend no a massive college to major in Textiles. I can guarantee you there's hundreds of other things he'd rather major in but he chose a path that could support himself and eventually a little family that will (I constantly hope and pray) include me. I graduate in 16 days. As the stress and anxiety starts to press in on me he's always there, soothing my wild imagination that formulates the worst of outcomes and telling me it's all going to be okay.

We always find ourselves awake late at night talking about our future together and talking about how close the future actually is. I graduate college in 4 or 5 years, get married in 6 have kids in 7 or 8. It's just amazing to me how fast  the part of my life I have dreamed about since I was little is coming at me, and I'm horrified if it. Not what is in it, Jackson, a a house, children, but how I'm going to get there. It's going to be difficult, it's going to be a struggle but he swears he'll be there every step of the way to catch me if I fall because he needs me, he says, and I believe him.

I truly see myself with him for the rest of forever. He's everything to me.

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