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I woke up in my bed and I was sticky from how humid it was but I didn't care I was in freaking Disney World well, right next to it. I got ready and dashed to the eating hall where I met up with Jackson. He was wearing his cute little band uniform. Today was Downtown Disney(Now Disney Springs) and Disney Studios! 

In the morning the band and chorus had thier talent expo and I was super excited to see Jackson play that lil' cutie. We made our way to Disney Springs and the drama department got to explore a little bit before the expo started. I couldn't care less about the chorus performance I quite honestly thought most of them were douche bags. The band is all I was excited about which sounded silly because it was only the one person I cared about. Jackson walked up on stage with his bass with a little flower in the strings like a dork. 

They did thier set and I was so stupidly proud of him and his cute little bass and his incredible talent. I couldn't wait to see him afterward. I dragged myself through the chorus performance. 

Nothing prominent happened in Disney Springs. It was just a bunch of shopping and I don't even think I bought anything. I ate a really good sandwich...I remember that 

 Disney Studios was amazing. The moment we walked in they had the Star Wars Imperial Walk and Jackson lost his freaking mind. He dragged me down the street racing after the fleet of Stormtroopers, I was laughing the whole way there. I loved seeing him be happy. Afterwards, we wondered around the streets of Disney Studios, sipping on frozen lemonade and going on all of the rides like Hollywood Tower of Terror and that Areosmith rollercoaster. When it got dark they played the new Star Wars show. I didn't watch much of it. I was busy watching Jackson I swear he was crying a little. 

Back at the resort Jackson, and my 2 friends (at the time) Logan and Carmen and I managed to get our hands on a whole pizza. That was a fun night but I had NO idea what was in store for me at the Magic Kingdom the next day. 

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