D A Y C A M P P T. 3 : T H E F U N P A R T

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After lunch, half of the camp closed down and the other half opened. After lunch the lake opened, yeah..the lake I said I was finally going to swim in. Me and Jackson walked over to the bathrooms to change. I was standing in a changing stall, nervous and like super self conscious. I remember thinking "what are you doing you idiot, he doesn't care what you look like just go" so I did. I walked outside and met up with him and we waited in a long line for life jackets talking and teasing each other for a good half an hour.  

Finally, we got life vests and walked to the lake. There we were, standing on the edge of a dock I looked at him and he looked at me and we jumped in. The water was cold but nice because it was hot outside. There was a structure in the middle of the lake with 2 slides and 4 jumping platforms. Iv'e always been afraid of heights but something about today made me throw it away "we could hold hands and do it together" he suggested. My stomach did a flip and my blood went hot. He held his hand out, I took it and we jumped. I screamed of course but it wasn't a scared scream. It was a happy scream, a bliss scream. I was holding his hand. I screamed until I hit the water. The life vest made me float up to the top of the cold dark water and I saw him swimming my way. Hair soaking wet laughing and smiling at me. I swam in front of him and climbed the stairs again. I looked back at Jackson, still in the water "Are you coming?" I asked. Something in his face changed, he looked at me differently "I'm coming" he said. We stayed in the water for a long time, swimming and playing, I had never felt so happy and just....alive. After we had to get out we dried off and once again I grabbed his hand and raced to my hiding spot, our hiding spot.  We talked again for a long time and then.. it was over. I got back on the bus and he drove home. I still think about that day a lot. The day that changed me on the inside, for the better. 

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