P R O M ?

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The last day at Disney was the Magic Kingdom. In the morning my drama class had a Broadway show training course. I ate breakfast and got on the bus. 

The training course was so amazing and fun I had an outstanding time but I couldn't wait to see Jackson again and enjoy the park with him. 

After the course, we got on the charter bus and headed to the dock to ride the ferry to the Magic Kingdom.  I remember texting Jackson about how excited I was to explore with him. When I rushed off the ferry Jackson texted me and said he was by the statue of Walt Disney and Mickey in front of the castle. I didn't realize at the time but a lot of people were following me, I just assumed they were all just trying to get to thier friends. As I was speed walking towards the castle more and more people started to walk with me, like...people I wasn't really friends with and stuff but it was whatever. I just wanted to see Jackson.

When I finally pushed my way through the crowds of people to the statue...Jackson wasn't there. Instead, Mr. Stewart, a chaperone, was standing up on a ledge by the statue. He held out his hand to me and helped me up onto the ledge.

"How's your day been!?" he yelled over the noise and loud music, a parade had just rolled in. 

"Uhm...it's been pretty good!" I yell back looking around on the ground for Jackson. 

"Well, it's about to get better!" I looked up at him "See that sign over there?!" I looked out over the crowd and sure enough at the foot of the castle, there was a boy jumping up and down holding a green poster board. Mr. Stewart smiled at me "That's Jackson! And you need to run to him!" 

My heart immediately started racing 

What is he doing over there? Why wasn't where he said he was going to be? What is he doing!? 

I didn't even hesitate. I jumped off the ledge and dashed towards the castle. I didn't even realize there were at least 6 people following me. I weaved through all the people in the crowd and the castle got closer and closer. When I finally broke through all the people there he was. Grinning ear to ear holding that green sign that I could see in detail now. 

It was green with gold trim and it had cute swirls and pixie wings on it. 

In gold and grey lettering it said You can fly away with me to prom, Lilly.

I didn't even slow down I ran right up and jumped on him.  After breaking the hug and giving him a plethora of kisses I realized how many people actually followed me to the castle. That was the moment I realized that the Magic Kingdom was literally the most magical place on earth. 

The rest of the day was a blur. I remember that night before we left for home we watched the firework show over the castle and I cried. 

I would do anything to go back to Disney World. Especially with the love of my life

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