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September 5th, 2016: Labor Day

We'd barely been dating for a week when I went to Jackson's house for the first time as his girlfriend. Honestly I wasn't even sure if his parents knew who I was. I woke up early and dug through my closet for my favorite cardigan. I slipped into a flowy black tank top and some jeans and slipped the cardigan on top of it. I rummaged my laundry for matching socks that wouldn't show when I wore my white Vans. I sat sat at my desk in my room and carefully contemplated how to do my hair and makeup. Looking into the mirror I asked myself if I should try like to look super good or just like..casual good. I wasn't even sure if he had told his parents about me yet, I didn't really mind though, my mom knew the minute he walked out the door that Saturday night. Mostly because I may or may not have totally started crying little tears of joy. Anyway, I sat around my house and waited for him to come pick me up. When he rang the doorbell I squealed and dashed for the door. I opened it and kissed him (I did pretty much any chance I had) then lead him inside. We talked to my mom for a little then decided to head to his house.

When we got there I walked inside and took it in. Something inside me knew I'd be there ALOT so I took my time walking through and looking at stuff. His mom was in the kitchen where she usually hangs out other than the office connected to it. She seemed SUUUPER excited to meet me and honestly I was excited to meet her.

~I had met Mrs. H on one or two other occasions. The previous year at a craft festival thing where she was set up across from my mother selling wreaths she makes herself, at the time I didn't know she was his mom. Other times had just been brief run ins in the student parking lot to pass off my brother, who was very good friends with his brother, to her. I would always text Jackson good luck after she drove off with my brother. He's a pain ~

Our day consisted of purely Bobs Burgers, video games, making out, cuddling and 5 little kittens who lived out in the other house. Those little kittens were the cutest things on the planet to this date. When I met them in mid September that first time they were barely 2 months old. Two orange ones (one lighter than the other) named Garfield (darker) and Dewey (lighter), 2 black (at the time) ones named Bear and Violet and one fat grey one they had named Tobi after the Naruto character. I immediately fell in love with Tobi, "Jackson I need this kitten" I would say over and over. The hardest part was always leaving them in the house, closing the door while they're meowing at you,so hard... But I already had a cat at home. A beautifully plump white cat named Tallulah who was literal best friend. Maybe she wouldn't mind a brother?

He and I hatched a plan to get Tobi to be mine on the way home to my house that night, little did we know in the future, it would actually work. I kissed him goodnight and told him to drive safe because Labor Day is full of crazy people. He laughed and drove home. I dreamed about him that night. I swear I was grinning in my sleep.

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