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Jackson is a beautiful human. Of course he never believes me when I say it because that is a persons natural response to being called beautiful. 

Jackson stands 5'9, 5'11 if he wears his favorite shoes. Hes a pretty slender kid. His nicely toned arms (in my opinion) give the best hugs and love to flail around when I try to relentlessly tickle him to death. He always slouches forward just a tiny bit. I don't know if he notices but he does. 

His head is covered in gorgeous thick hair that such a deep brown its practically black. It travels down the sides of his face and on his chin. He always keeps his beard short, kind of like a glorified 5 o'clock shadow. It makes his jawline look more defined and it makes him look like a grown man honestly. I love his beard, it tickles when he kisses my neck. I remember it took me a while to get used to the scratchy feeling when he'd kiss me but now it doesn't bother me at all. 

He has insanely full eyebrows and they'll gorgeous honestly. His eyelashes make literally every girl we meet jealous. His nose is a perfect mix of his moms and his dads and is sprinkled with light freckles. 

His eyes are honestly the most beautiful eyes iv'e ever seen in my life. When I was younger i read this thing on the internet that some celebrity said and he said to fall in love with somebodies eyes because no matter how much they may change their eyes will always be the same. And i'll tell you, I fell so hard for Jackson's eyes. They're the most amazing color. We used to argue about what color they really were because we always disagreed over green or blue. Now i just say they're gorgeous. Whatever color they are they're beautiful and i can and do get lost in them. They have flecks of gold in them and they remind me of home, they didn't always of course, they used to make me dumbfounded and made my brain mush. It was hard for me to focus on things he was saying because they were just so. damn . beautiful. 

Of course it's not just the way he looks that makes me absolutely head over heels for him. It's who he is. Before I really got to know Jackson he was kinda an ass to me at times but that's understandable because I'd flirt with his friends for free food. He was always kind of awkward and to himself a lot and me, being very outgoing and obnoxious never really thought he'd pair up with me (boy was I wrong). When we started dating I knew a little about him thanks to our nights staying up playing games and telling stories but I didn't know very much about him.  As we starting falling in love I began to fall for little pieces of him at a time. His laugh, his smile, all that beautiful stuff people do without thinking but you still notice them. I fell in love with the way he sang in the car and held my hand while he was driving. I fell in love with the way he'd look when he watched basketball or played music that he liked. I love the way he'd wrap his arm around me when he'd think  I was asleep. I am hopelessly in love with Jackson and I'm not even close to done falling in love with him yet.

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