Chapter 1-Piper

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Piper looked around at the camp.  The war was over, Leo was back from the dead, she finally got to meet his girlfriend, she had a best friend in the form of Annabeth, everything was just peachy.  She and Jason were never awkward anymore and almost everyone at camp had a soul mate, even Reyna and Nico were together.  Her work was complete there.  Everything felt very complete since the war.  Even Festus, since he got his body back.

Piper sighed, she wished this could last forever, but she was a demigod, nothing lasts forever when one of your parents has the power to make entire crowds swoon at the sight of them.  

Aphrodite had been leaving little notes here and there, suggesting that Piper putt certain people together.  Recently the notes had been saying that there's a challenge coming up, someone who's impossible to match up with.  Piper ignored those little comments.  Who cared if there was a challenge?  If her mom wanted to mess with someone's love life, that was up to her, but Piper wasn't about to do that.

She looked up at the sky and sighed, life was finally normal, for a demigod anyway.  She saw a little ball of flame in the sky, Leo was probably riding Festus or something.  But then the flames got bigger, or closer, one of the two.  The strange flaming thingy dropped out of the sky, and into the canoe lake.  Piper gasped and ran toward it with many other half-bloods doing the same.

When she got there, the naiads had pushed a small girl out of the lake.  She's older than she looks, Piper thought suddenly.  She could tell things like that.  What disturbed her though, was that the girl didn't seem confused.  Most new half-bloods were extremely confused and scared when they arrived at camp, but this girl looked like she expected it, expected to fall out of the sky, flaming, and falling into a lake.  

The girl got up and stretched.  She had black clothes on, but Piper thought that was due to the wet ashes all over her.  She also had big, gaping holes in her clothes that had been burnt away.  She didn't seem to be burnt at all. Interesting

Leo and Nyssa came up with their big air blower contraption, and blew hot air in the girl's face.  After they were done, the girl put her hand on Leo's head.  He crossed his eyes, trying to look at her fingers.  Then she giggled and took her hand off. 

"Hi Leo, I'm Heracasidralthalite.  Call me Birdie," she said.

"Ummm, ok?" said Leo, confused, "How do you know my name?"

"I just know stuff," Birdie replied, "So, this is camp Half-Blood, is it?"

"Yes," said Mr. D., coming up, "and you should be dead."

Sorry for the super short chapter, but I'm not sorry for the cliffhanger,  Muahahahaha!  Anyway, vote, comment, whatever.  This is my first fan fiction, so lets see how this goes!

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