Chapter 23-Piper

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Piper silently shooed everyone out of cabin 2 to give Luke time with Birdie...alone.  She had a feeling that he could calm her down.  But she was mentally face palming herself  Leo had been the one to think of Luke.  She was Aphrodite's daughter.  She should have thought of that!

Whatever.  No use crying over spilled nectar.

They all sat outside of the cabin and din't say anything until-

"Birukie," said Leo.

"What?" asked Annabeth.

"I ship it.  Birukie."

Piper actually face palmed this time.  "That is the worst ship name I have ever heard."

"It's a brilliant ship name, and you know it!"

Piper sighed.  Jason wrapped his arm around her, and she smiled.

"What is a 'ship'?" asked Calypso, "I know that it is a vessel, but that meaning does not fit the sentence."  She looked so confused it was funny.

Piper started to giggle, and Jason joined in.  Eventually everyone was rolling on the ground, laughing.  Calypso's face was priceless.

Leo wiped tears out of his eyes as he said, "Sorry Sunshine.  It's just you-you've been gone for so long!  Wow!"

"This is not helping Leo."

He just laughed some more.  "S-sorry.  Ok," he cleared his throat and tried to stop smiling.  He failed.  "So, a ship is when you think two people would be really good together, like in a relationship.  I guess that's where 'ship' comes from.  So I'm shipping Birdie and Luke as Birukie. That's their ship name."

Calypso looked even more confused, and everyone started up in a fresh wave of giggles.  She pouted.

"But seriously, Birukie?  Really?" said Jason.

"Birukie isn't that bad," said Percy.

Both Jason and Piper raised an eyebrow.  Annabeth gave him her signature death stare.  She said she had gotten this when facing Arachne, but Thalia insisted that she had had it since she was seven.  You never want to be caught on the receiving end of seven year old daughter of Athena's death stare.

"Or not...what about Lukie?"

"That's even worse," said Piper.

They went through dozens of names, each one more awful than the last, until Luke caught them.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the chapter.  I just wanted to let you know that I'm working towards the first kiss!  Keep reading!  Adieu.

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