Chapter 41-Luke

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Drew came back looking rumpled, as if she had been a mess a few minutes ago, but tried to fix herself up.  She was in a pompous mood.  If pompous was the right word.  Anyway, she didn't even look at him.  Which was a good thing, but he kinda wondered what Birdie had done.  In fact, where was Birdie?

A few minutes later, she walked into the pavilion with her jacket on.  Her eyes looked red from crying.  She sat down next to him and put her head on his shoulder without bothering to get food.

"What did she do?!" asked Piper.

"She didn't do anything that would be considered bad.  If anything, I was the bad one," Birdie answered quietly.

Piper looked like she was going to say something, but Luke shook his head, and put his arm around his princess.  Piper scowled, but didn't say anything.

After a few minutes, she couldn't seem to stand it anymore.  "It doesn't matter if it isn't considered bad.  Whatever she did, made you cry.  That isn't okay."

Birdie looked at her with dull eyes.  "No really.  That's-"

But Piper was already on her way to the Aphrodite table.

A few minutes later, Piper appeared looking surprisingly calm.  

"So...what happened?" Luke asked.

Piper took a deep breath and said, "She has toilet and trash duty for a month."


"And what?"

"What did she do?"  Luke was kind of frustrated now.  Birdie was leaning on his shoulder, silent tears leaking out of her closed eyes.

Piper looked at her, and mouthed to Luke, I'll tell you later.  Then she smiled. "This is becoming a habit."

Luke smiled too. Now he had an excuse to take Birdie to bed.

After dinner, he picked her up and carried her, bridal style, to her cabin. Piper and Jason were following him "discreetly". Of course Luke knew they were there. Jason was about as stealthy as a brick. (Heehee!) He took Birdie inside, and shut the door behind him.

Laying her down on her bed, he took her jacket off, and let her wings unfurl onto the mattress. He would've undressed her and put her in her pajamas, but he wasn't a pervert. And if he was being honest, he was kind of afraid of seeing a girl naked. Especially Birdie.

He put the covers over her, and she sighed. She was so pretty when she slept. Ok, that sounded creepy, even in his head. But still, it was true. Her dark locks outlining her pale face. And her long eyelashes playing on her cheeks. The feathers on her wings got all tangled into her hair.

He softly kissed her, as he gently brushed her hair from her face, and murmured, "Sweet dreams." Then he left the room.

"Caught it!" said a voice, as Luke walked out. Upon walking around the cabin, he found Leo holding a video camera by the window, with Jason and Piper. Luke rolled his eyes. Seriously?

"What have we got so far?" asked Piper, laughing.

"Let's see," said Leo. "We've got our first kiss, that we know of, of course. Then there's the lake, that one of the Stolls caught on camera. Then there's some beach scenes, and Birdie landing when she flew for the first time. Luke carrying her. When was that? Who cares? Moving on. Then we have some stuff during dinner, and just a whole bunch of adorableness. Oh, and now this."

Luke came into sight. "You're catching us on camera?" he asked, offended.

They froze. Then Leo slowly slid the camera behind his back. "What?! That's ridiculous! Why would we do that?!"

"Leo," he said, "you're a really bad liar."

They all stood there for a moment, not saying anything.

"Where did you even get our first kiss anyway?" Luke asked.

"Oh! I hid a camera in that flower pot that she got for her birthday."

"Leo!" said Jason, elbowing him.


"He isn't supposed to know that!"

"Oh right..."

There was another long silence.

"Why are you taking videos?"

"Well," started Piper, "I've always wanted to videotape a couple right from the beginning. Because, well, I have my reasons. Leo's helping me with that, and Jason is tagging along.

Jason pouted at this. "I'm not important?"

"Of course you are. Just not as important as ME!" said Leo.

"Wow. That makes me feel so special."

"Aren't I the best friend?"

"Sure. Let's go with that."

"Anyway," Piper interrupted, "You're such a sweet couple! You seem to be in a relationship, without even knowing it! It's adorable!"

Luke just rolled his eyes and walked away. Yet somehow, the little group didn't notice that their camera was missing. Hermes power!  

Hey, I'm sorry I haven't been able to update in a while.  But now, I'm super sick, so I can't do anything else.  Great for you guys!  Sucks for me.  Anyway, I'll try to update more often, thanks for sticking with this crazy cliche story for so long.  I love all of you that have!  I bid thee, adieu.

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