Chapter 34-Luke

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Luke awoke with a start, and glanced at the clock on the stand.  It was about five o-clock in the morning.  He groaned.  Where was he again?  Oh right.

He looked down and saw a sleeping Birdie cuddled up between his legs.  She was so peaceful.  Immediately he blushed.  He wasn't supposed to fall asleep on her.  He had slept in her bed.  He was disgusted with himself.  He was so inconsiderate.  Maybe he could get off of her before she woke up.  But he couldn't bring himself to move.  He had come to think of her as a real bird.  The slightest misstep might send her flying.

She was still dressed in her clothes from yesterday, her jacket included, and her soft breathing made him wonder how that thrashing girl with the nightmares from last night could be sitting right in front of him.  He was about to get up when he heard a voice as soft as the coo of a dove.

"Hey there Skywalker."

Luke looked down at Birdie.  She was smiling up at him sleepily.  Her eyes droopy.

"Hey Princess."

She frowned.  Did she not like the name?  That was sort of the point of nicknames, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I didn't mean to-"

"To fall asleep?"  She laughed a little.  It wasn't your fault.  You were tired... and I pushed you to stay."  She sounded guilty.

"Hey it's ok."  He knew very well that she hadn't meant for him to sleep with her, but she had needed help getting through whatever that was.  "Whenever you need me.  I'll be there."

"Even when Will makes me do excruciating wing exercises all day?"

"Hmm.  Maybe you're on your own for that one.  I can't guarantee I'll get you out of it every time."  He smiled down at her.  He was so afraid that she might be mad for him being there that nihgt.  But she blamed herself, even if she didn't voice it.  He could tell.

She cuddled into his chest and slipped her arms around him.  He kissed her forehead.  Ah, his little princess.

He thought about why he was attracted to her.  Why he was no longer interested in Annabeth.  Annabeth had moved on, and so had he.  He tried to forget about her in Elysium, but that wasn't the easiest thing to do when there's nothing else to think about.  When he met Birdie, she didn't pretend to understand him.  She just... did.  She had been through so much, and he had been through similar things.

He stroked her hair as they cuddled.

Plus, she was something he could protect.  He had protected Annabeth, but there came a time when she no longer needed him.  She had Percy.  Birdie didn't have anyone.  She was alone when she came to camp.  She had always been alone.  She didn't have anyone else in her life.  He could be the one to protect her.  It felt good to be needed.  Important.  

Princess.  That's what he called her.  It started with the fact that her mother was queen of the gods, but it became something different.  She wasn't her mother's daughter.  She was his princess because she was better than royalty to him.  She gave him purpose.  She was perfect.  Powerful, but still needed to rely on someone.  She tried to do everything by herself.  He was there to make sure she didn't

"Princess?" he whispered into her hair.

"Hmmm?" she replied sleepily.

"Why were you crying back in Rachel's cave?  And what did you dream about last night that made you panic?"

"Maybe I'll tell you later.  Right now, I just want to hug you."  She was so peaceful.  Her pale face, framed by her dark locks.

"I have to go," he said, "If I don't, then people will start to be suspicious."

"Aww, but you're my pillow," she pouted.

"Well, I'll have to be your pillow some other time, despite how great that job description is."  He wasn't being sarcastic.  Being her pillow would be a great job!  He easily do it for free.  "I have to get back to my cabin."

She sat up, pouting.  "All right.  But I expect you to be a very good pillow when I need you to be," she said in a childish voice.

He pulled her back in on his chest and whispered into her ear, "For you?  Anything."

She kissed him, a long beautiful kiss, and then let him go.  As he walked back to his cabin, he thought about her long, dark brown hair.  Her eyes that shined like dark sapphires.  Her pale, ivory skin.  And of course, her need for him.

Makes me want to cry!  They're so perfect together!  But anyway, I have one of the most evil of Author torture devices coming up.  Don't worry, It will make you want to throw this device across the room!  :D  Good luck!  I bid thee, adieu.

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