Chapter 29-Birdie

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Birdie was secretly glad that Annabeth wasn't angry.  Birdie was kind of moving in on Luke, and with Annabeth's history with him...well, she didn't really want to be on her bad side.

"Oh gods!  Oh GODS!  This is amazing!" gasped Annabeth between laughs.

Birdie grinned sheepishly.  She totally agreed.

"Bed time!" shouted Piper.

Luke pouted. "But I don't wanna go to sleep!" he whined.  He sounded like a little kid who wanted to stay up late with the grown-ups.

"Too bad!" said Piper, "Luke, Hermes cabin. Now.  Birdie, clean this cabin.  Now."

"It cleans it's self in the mornings," she used as an excuse.  It was true.  But somehow she managed to mess it up in two minutes as soon as she woke up.  It had been happening since she grew wings.

"Bu by Luke," said Piper, wiggling her fingers.

"Oh."  He looked so crest fallen, she wanted to give him a big hug.  "I'll...just go then.  See ya tomorrow, Birdie."

Piper, Annabeth, and Hazel left soon after.  Birdie collapsed onto her bed almost immediately. She couldn't get over the exhausting day she had just had.  Luke.  His lips felt...she didn't know how to describe them.  Perfect.

One thing about her.  She could see current thoughts without having to touch the person.  She had to touch them, specifically their head, to see deep memories.  They were hard to fish out.

While they were kissing, she could sense his every thought.  Oddly enough, there weren't any.  His mind was completely blank.  It was then that she realized that he wasn't thinking for a reason.  All of his strength was dedicated to his heart at that moment.

Birdie wrote everything down in her journal.  The days events, and most of all, her first kiss.

I know it's short guys.  Bare with me.  I'm leading up to some earth shattering news.  Good luck.  I bid the adieu.

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