Chapter 10-Birdie

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Birdie heard voices behind her, or maybe just one voice, she couldn't tell.  She stood, not being ready to talk to anyone, especially after them learning that she shouldn't exist.  She ran off, deeper into the woods.  Eventually she tripped over a knurled root and landed, face first on the ground.

She curled up into a ball a sobbed.  They knew.  She couldn't let anything slip or they might find out how horrible she really was.

Birdie felt a hand on her shoulder.  She shrugged it off.

"Birdie," it was Luke's voice.

She looked up.  Thru her tears, she saw a very blurry vision of Luke.  He looked good blurry.

"Birdie, you knew that Hera was your mother, didn't you."


"Look, I know bad parents.  You probably don't like Hera very much, for everything she may or may not have done to you.  But listen, don't blame them you'll only end up miserable."

"I'm not supposed to exist!"

"Neither am I.  How about we stick together, the two who shouldn't exist."

Luke pulled her up and gave her a big hug.  She couldn't hep but think, that he might be the only person in the whole world that wouldn't judge her for past mistakes.  She decided to tell him what she had done tomorrow.  Most likely.

What did she do?  How bad is she really?  Is it worse than what Luke did?  Nah.  No one be that sucky.  It's really not possible.  But she can get close!  Muahahahahah!

This is THE shortest of chapters.  Sorry guys!

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