Chapter 4-Annabeth

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A child with Olympian Power

Will astound throughout the hours

Writing minds

Changing times

Building her greatest tower

She will find something from past

Loving something that shouldn't last

Changing a heart

Reversing her part

Breaking a curse that once was cast  

The words spun around Annabeth's mind.  Percy had come back from camp Jupiter with news that Juno had shown up there.  He said that she just walked into the Senate House and shoved a scroll into Reyna's hands.  Before leaving, she said simply, My pride is coming, do not despise it for its parentage.  Annabeth groaned.  She though about the senate's faces as Reyna read the scroll.  A limerick.  A limerick!  She had heard that limericks were the worst kind of prophecy.  Hard to decipher, and often meant destruction.

She got up, out of bed.  It was only four o'clock, but she needed to talk to Percy.  She quietly got dressed and walked out the door.  Breathing in the cold April air, she tiptoed thru the shadows to the Poseidon cabin.  She knocked quietly on the door.  Percy answered it right away.

"Couldn't sleep either?" he asked.


"Come sit down," he said, gesturing to his bunk.

Annabeth sighed, "Percy, do you think that this prophecy has anything to do with Birdie?"

"Absolutely.  What I'm really afraid of, is what she has to do with Hera," he said with a forced chuckle, "Maybe Birdie's the one who keeps leaving you cow pies wherever you go."

Annabeth looked at him and he became serious.

"Look, I know this confuses you, just as much as it confuses me, but Annabeth, the thing is to not stress.  Prophesies work out on their own."

"Even creepy time traveling involving limericks from Hera?"

"Even creepy time traveling involving limericks from Hera."

" Thanks Percy.  What would I do without you?"

"Well you certainly wouldn't be alive right now..."


"Sorry, do you want me to kiss you instead?"


So Percy kissed her and she was reluctant to go back to her cabin, so no one would be suspicious when they woke up.  But Percy promised her that they would have a very long walk on the beach the next day.  She kissed him one more time and left, with thoughts of Birdie and her Prophesy.

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