Chapter 42-Luke

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Late that night, he watched all of the videos that had been caught. Technically they didn't get their first kiss, only their second. The first was during capture the flag. But watching all of these videos, it was like looking at someone else's life. Luke looked so happy. After all the pain he had caused people, he didn't think that would be possible.

He watched, as Birdie landed in front of Will Solace, and said "Ta da!" Then she walked over to him and they walked to the beach together. It all seemed too good to last.

Then he saw Will run into the Hermes cabin. He was followed by Jason, Percy, and a few others. The other campers started to stir. Luke looked up at them.

"It's Birdie," Will said, "she's in the infirmary!"

Luke jumped up. What could've happened to his angel in the middle of the night?!

He and the others ran to the infirmary as fast as they could.  Luke was still in his pajamas, but he didn't even notice.  He threw open the door and ran inside.  There was Birdie, kneeling by a bed, and sobbing, her wings spread out on the floor.  She was pounding the mattress and screaming each time.  Looking back, Luke could've sworn half the camp was waiting outside for the wailing to stop.

He walked over to her and stroked her hair as he put his arms around her.  Her eyes were shut tight, but tears still leaked out.  

"Shh-sh-sh," he whispered to her.  "I'm here for you.  There's no reason to be afraid."

She became quieter, and eventually went limp in his arms, but she still sobbed silently.  He hoisted her up, making sure to lift her wings off of the ground, and exited the small building.

Dozens of people were staring at him.  "Hey.  Nice night, isn't it?  What's gotten you up?  You know, the Harpies are going to shred you if you don't get back in bed.  Go on, nothing to see here."

People started dispersing into their cabins.  Luke didn't stick around.  He just wanted to get Birdie back to hers.  She was shaking like a maniac.  Tears poured down her cheeks.

He tried to lay her down in her bed, but she was clutching him too tightly.  He eventually just sat down in her bed and pulled the covers over both of them.  She shook in his arms, and her wings were bent at odd angles.  He remembered her asking him to sing a while back.  Maybe she liked music?

He began to hum a tune.  First something simple, and then moved on to a song. 

"She's a bird in flight,
Flying through the night,
Doesn't seem to care,
About the cold air."

"She sings a song of bliss,

Many wonder at this,

She spreads her wings so far,
And flies above the stars."

"But soon she lands in the tree,
Does she do it for me?
I love her pretty song,
I'll listen all day long."

"My pretty pretty Bird,
You're song still goes unheard,
But just know I listen still,

And I always will."

The song kind of sucked, but he sang it over and over again, as her breathing slowed, and she started to calm down.  It was then that he realized that she had been asleep that whole time.  That meant she had been sleep walking.  Oh, his poor princess.  What nightmares could have brought her to the infirmary?

There were still tears that trickled down her cheeks, but they were starting to dry.  He put her jacket back on her, and just cuddled her in his lap.  She shivered.  He stroked her hair.  They did this for so long, that soon, her hair had no more tangles, and that was saying something.  Her clothes were wrinkled, and her cheeks were tear stained.  She had never looked more beautiful.


It was a hoarse whisper.  Birdie was staring at something he couldn't see, but she looked haunted.  


"Don't leave me.  Ever."

Luke smiled.  His poor little angel.  He leaned down next to her ear and whispered, "Never."

She closed her eyes and took a shaky breath.  Then she melted into his arms, and they cuddled.

A few minutes later, the door opened, and there stood, oddly enough, Calypso.  Luke didn't know much about her, but he knew that she was really nice to anyone that wasn't Leo.  That was pretty much it.

"Hey," she whispered.

"Shhh," Luke said simply, looking down at his angel, who was smiling.

"Hey," Calypso said a little louder.  "Birdie needs to change.  She is too tired to do it by herself, and you are not going to help her."

Luke pouted.

"Go on, out of the cabin.  You can come back in a few minutes."

He kissed Birdie's forehead, and got up.  She was too out of it to object.

A few minutes later, he was allowed back in.  "Aren't you going to scold me for being with Birdie like Piper does?" he asked Calypso.

"Luke, she is in need of you.  I will not object.  Besides, Piper turns a blind eye to Annabeth sneaking off to Percy's cabin nearly every night."


"Go to her.  She is not at her best at the moment."

Luke gave a weak smile, but it took nearly all of his will power not to rush back into the room.  She was sitting on the edge of her bed, staring blankly at her lap.  She had on very short shorts and a tank top, all of this peacock blue.  She was also fingering the necklace he had given her and her wings were spread out over the mattress.  He sat down next to her, trying not to make her nervous.

After a while he said, "Do you want to talk about it?"

She replied by tackling him in a hug, which resulted in them laying back on her bed.  Her eyes were shut tight, as he held her in his arms.  He pulled her under the covers, and they ended up side by side, with her wings behind their backs.  They just held each other for a long time.

Luke had not intended to fall asleep.  Yeah, his plans didn't exactly work out all the time.

Who's happy?  I'm happy!  For all of you Miraculous Ladybug fans.............It's on Netflix!  Yay!  I am not going to make a pun.  It is the perfect spot.  I.  Will.   Not.  Do.  It.  Kitty.  I am not the pun person.  I am not that obsessed.  It's not gonna happen.  I'll leave that to you.

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