Chapter 9-Birdie

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We've all been waiting for it...Birdie's point of view!  Woo Hoo!

April 14

Luke showed up today.  I always thought he was interesting.  In the minds of others, and with the rumors that were being spread around during the titan war.  I think it's so sweet, the way he reacts to everything.  He thinks he's a monster, and I hate that.  Sure he made mistakes, and mine were just as bad as his.  He doesn't realize it yet, but my being bad kind of gives us something in common.

The big problem is that they found out who my parent is.  They being Chiron and the campers.  Mr. D. already knew of course.  I'm afraid.  After finding out who my godly parent is, all of my friends run away.  I guess I can't really call them friends as much as partners.

I miss dad.  I wish he were here to give me a big hug and tell me that everything would be alright.  I just remembered!  Luke and I had a steal fight today! Just like me and dad did when I was little!

Journal, I wish more than ever now that you actually were dad, and not just a memory of him.  I'm hiding in the woods next to camp.  There are probably monsters, but I'll be fine.  I always am.  I'm going to write something I learned about today, just like dad told me to:

I learned that Luke's favorite thing to eat in the whole world is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with cool-aid.  His mom made it for him when he was little.  I feel so bad for him.  I saw in his mind that his mom went kind of insane, and he was really terrified as a kid.  His dad was never there for him.  

I guess we have another thing in common.  When our mortal parent failed, we couldn't count on our godly one to make it better.

Birdie stared down at the pages of her Journal.  A tear fell from her cheek and it smeared Luke's name.  She closed the little book and stared at the cover.  

If you don't know what to write, then write about something worth telling, love Daddy

She thought back to the time he gave her the journal.  He had given it to her for her birthday.  Money was tight, so he couldn't get her big fancy stuff, but he could give her something even better.  He watched her open the booklet when she was seven years old.  Her eyes grew wide.  Then she whispered into his ear,  Daddy what does it say?  He had read it to her and she smiled the biggest smile he had ever seen.  She was constantly telling him stories about heroes and monsters and gods and adventures and quests.  He asked her where she got all these ideas from, she simply replied by saying that she dreamed about them.  He knew what to get her for her birthday.  The journal was huge, the size of a novel.  It was hard for her to carry at first, but she carried it where ever she went anyway.  

And here, years later, she still hadn't finished writing.

Muahahahah!  I know I'm evil for putting you thru this, but I'm an author!  Evil is in my job description!  Where's Luke? And everybody else, but who cares about them?  It's coming! Keep checking for updates and read to you're hearts content.  I can't stop writing!

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