Chapter 40-Birdie

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Birdie put her jacket back on, and her wings shrunk into the cramped space.  Luke led her to the dining pavilion, and they sat down at the Hera table.  He still seemed to feel guilty, so Birdie was extra nice.

"Hey, Lukey Wukey!" said a voice from behind.  

Luke's hand clenched into a fist.  His face was distorted into a mask of anger.  Birdie touched his shoulder.

"Let me handle it," she said softly.

Drew draped her arms around Luke's shoulders and fingered his shirt with her long red fingernails.  He looked like he was ready to kill.  Birdie was starting to get a little angry her self.  Ok, a lot angry.  She had been trying to reel in her anger at Dumpster Queen for Luke's sake, but she'd have to hold off a little longer.

"Hey, Drew!" she said cheerfully.  "Could you come with me?"

"You know I would," Drew said in mock politeness, "but I'm a little busy spending time with my boyfriend."

"I'm sure you'll be able to do that later.  Please?  I want to show you something!"

"Unless you're too chicken," Luke said under his breath.

Drew heard.  "Of course!" she said through her teeth.

Birdie led Drew into the forest.  They were a little ways in, when Birdie stopped. 

"Where are we?" Drew said in a snooty voice.

"Well," Birdie began, "the true beauty of this location is that it is completely hidden from camp.  Plus, you can't hear anything from this spot from the pavilion!"

Drew's jaw dropped.  "You don't want to hurt me."

For a moment, Birdie was tempted.  Then she understood.  "Really Drew?  Charmspeak?  I've spent years trying to resist poisons and other stuff.  Charmspeak hardly affects me.  Heck, I actually have it."

"How-how could you possibly have it?  Your not an Aphrodite kid!"

Birdie couldn't believe how dumb this girl was.  Pretty much everyone at camp knew about her power...Thing.

Drew tried to use her charmspeak again.  "You don't deserve someone like Luke.  He's way to good for you.  You're a freak.  With your crazy wings and the fact that you're not supposed to exist.  You're no better than the average monster."

The charmspeak didn't affect Birdie, but the words still hurt.  She felt her face heat up with anger.  She took off her jacket and her wings spread out to full length.  She started to flap them, and the leaves on the forest ground started to fly.


The branches of the trees were almost at braking point due to her flapping.  But then she started to calm down.  The leaves fell to the ground, and Birdie looked up with tears in her eyes.

"If you do," she whispered, but grew louder, "you're right.  But you must understand that Luke will never look twice at you.  He will never love you.  Perhaps I don't deserve him.  But I know his mind, and I know what he thinks of you.  You are not good enough for him.  You never will be.  But I don't deny the fact that I am not good enough either."  She said this last part in a whisper, with tears pouring down her pale face.  

Drew looked terrified.  Her hair was a mess and she was on the ground.  immediately, she ran back to the pavilion.

Watching the terrified girl run away, Birdie could confirm one thing.  "She's right," she whispered.  "I am a monster."

MHAHAHAHA!  Sorry I haven't posted in a while guys, but I was grounded.  Why?  Because I was posting in the middle of the night.  Hehe.  Adieu.

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