Chapter 37-Birdie

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Birdie walked to the pavilion dragging the most aching wings in existence.  Then again, they were probably the biggest wings in existence as well, so there was good reason.  That, and and the fact that she had just spent exactly six hours on wing exercises.  Ugh.  She was supposed to save two of those hours for after lunch, but Will was being stubborn.  Bleh.

Anyway, she was dragging her sweat soaked wings to the pavilion for lunch.  She had her jacket around her waist.  She didn't care that her feathers were getting dirty.  It was too hot.  As soon as she got to lunch, she plopped down at her table, and laid her head on the wood.

She groaned.  Her wings were spread out behind her, and if anyone stepped on them, she didn't notice.  Bleh.  Bleh. Bleh.  They were aching soooooooo much.

"Hey Princess," said Luke, coming up and sitting down next to her.  She was so tired that she just put her head on his shoulder and decided to take a short nap.  

"Hey," he said.  "Are you ok?"

"Noooooo," she groaned.  "Wing training means pain."

He laughed, and got up.  At first, she tried to pull him back down, but he dodged.

"Hey you're my pillow!"

Then he came up behind her and started massaging the spot right between her feathery limbs.  She almost purred.

"That feels..."

He leaned in close, without stopping his hands, to whisper, "I love you," and kiss her on the cheek.

She blushed.  He was so sweet!  How could he and that person who rose Kronos be the same guy?  Just goes to show that people can change, so they deserve a second chance.  That included her, though she didn't realize it.

As the others arrived, she began to wonder.  Why did these powerful, popular, strong heroes of Olympus include her in their group of friends?  Why was she so special?

Throughout all of lunch, Luke rubbed her back.  She kept on telling him to sit down and eat, but he ignored her.  She stopped complaining when the aching started to go away.

After lunch, Birdie went to find Will.  "How long am I going to have personal training with you?"

"Until you can fly without it hurting, or without you falling," he answered.

That's when she decided to fly.  And after that, she decided not to fall.  Again.  And again.  And again.  Maybe I should just tell you the story.

Birdie went to Zeus's Fist, being one of the highest points at camp.  She didn't tell anyone.  Luke would just try to stop her before she hurt herself, Will would say that she wouldn't be ready without more training, and Leo would video tape her falling.  The only person she could think of that would just stand there, watch, and let her jump again if she fell, was Annabeth.  She would laugh and pull Birdie back on her feet, then send her back up to try again.

She didn't invite her either.  She could pick herself up...without the laughter.

When she got to the top of the pile of rocks, she took a deep breath.  So, she just...jumped?  That was it?  Then flap her wings and hope she stayed air-born?  Maybe?

Who was she kidding?

A bird flew down from a towering tree.  She watched how its wings hardly moved as it flew to the ground.  Gliding.  Gliding.  Of course!  That was something to start with.

She stretched her wings out.  Why was she so nervous?  She had battled monsters.  She had killed to get something to eat.  She had joined gangs to survive.  She had tattoos for Apollo's sake!  Why should she be scared of flying?

Or falling?  

Ok, she was afraid that she would fall.  Why?  She had fallen off of at least four cliffs, all of which she had been being chased by monsters.  Long stories.  

Anyway, she had fallen before.  It was just a long...way...down.  

Deep breath.  She spread her wings out as far as possible...and jumped.  And fell, but at least she tried.

And tried.

And tried again.

And again.

Then she just sat.  Her wings were ruffled, and she had lost more than a few feathers.  As she sat on the pile of rocks, she watched the birds.  They had balance, grace, and freedom.  How was she part of these creatures?

She was sitting so still, that a bird landed on her shoulder.  It tweeted.  She stroked its wing and it fluttered under her fingers.

Other birds fluttered around her.  There were ones that landed on her shoulders, her head, and knees.  There were dozens of them, and she felt like freaking Snow White.  And she loved it!  For the first time ever, she felt like she wasn't this kick-but-monster-fighting-maniac demigod.  Apparently, playing with birds made her feel...girly!

She laughed with the birds as they flew around her.  She could imagine them encouraging her to jump again.  This time to fly.  

Just balance!  You'll do great!  No need to worry!  We're here for you!

She could hear their little voices pushing her.  Birdie stood, and spread her wings.

"One more time."

She jumped, mimicking the bird's movements.  She tilted her body and flapped her wings from time to time.  At first she fell, but she then she flew.

She stopped trying.  And flew!  She soared above the treetops.  She whooped and laughed as she twisted through the air!  Exiting the forest, she soared over the ocean, feeling the clouds over her face.  This was easy!  Who needed training?  She just needed to have the will to fly!  She could see the birds flying with her.

She changed direction and flew over the rolling hills of camp.  She saw Will at the training arena, talking to someone.  Immediately, she started her decent.  There was a crowd growing below her.  She smiled with satisfaction.

Birdie landed with a thud, right in front of Will.

"Ta-da!" she said with a bow.  The birds all landed on her shoulders, adding the most interesting of effects.

Will was dumbfounded.

Isn't it beautiful!  Now she can fly!  Hope you guys liked the chapter!  I bid thee, adieu!

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