Chapter 17-Annabeth

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Annabeth started walking to the Hera cabin.  Birdie had simply been talking to Frank and Hazel when she started growing wings.  The pain looked unbearable, but she tried to calm her down.  She had assured her that everything would be fine, despite the fact that no one knew what was going on.  Leo had left to find Chiron, and he carried the small girl away.  Now, Annabeth was looking for answers as to why wings would sprout from the back of Hera's daughter.

She stormed into cabin two, and was surprised.  Birdie was kind of a slob.  There were dirty clothes all over the floor, and the closet doors were wide open.  Annabeth smiled.  She remembered being on the run with Luke and Thalia, and Luke being a huge slob.  Perhaps she was just being controlling because Athena was her mom, or perhaps Luke had inherited his messiness from Hermes.  She didn't know.  What she did know, was that she was always cleaning up after him.

Annabeth decided to clean up for Birdie.  One, because she probably needed it.  She wasn't going to do this herself.  Two, because she felt like she was cleaning after her big brother again.

Annabeth did feel some resentment towards Hera as she cleaned her cabin.  Wasn't she supposed to be a maiden goddess?  She sighed.  At first she hated Birdie for being the Marriage goddess's child.  But Percy reminded her that she couldn't blame her, it wasn't her fault.  

As Annabeth was cleaning, she found a book.  A huge novel with the words, If you don't know what to write, write something worth telling, love Daddy, written on the cover in sharpie.  She opened the book and found pages and pages of writing.

She sat down on Birdie's unmade bed, and started to read...

I know guys, this chapter is tiny.  I promise that the next one will be huge.  Birdie's Journal!  Yay! I love torturing you guys!  Keep reading!

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