Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- 'Clove looked....nice. Cute even. Perhaps beautiful'

"I'm what?", I shouted angrily as Clove left the training centre.

"You are going to be allied up with Clove, our female tribute. You know the rules Cato, District 2 tributes stay together till the end".

"Fine! But if I don't return home it will be because of her giving us away", I replied angrily.

"She is smarter, stronger and faster than she looks! She may be small but knows her stuff", and with that he walked away to check the progress of other students. "I'm going to be the laughing stock of the school! I'm being paired up with Clove. Yeah she is smart and fast but what does she know about surviving?", I said out loud not caring who heard.

"I actually know quite a lot", said a voice.

"Who said that?", a shadow appeared.

"Me, Clove. I know your not happy about being paired with me but, I'm not even happy about being in these ruthless games!".

"Shh! Jake will hear you!", Clove folded her arms and rolled her eyes, "Erm...did you hear mine and Jake's convosation?".

"Yes but I-"

"Look, I'm sorry Clove. I haven't even seen what you can do. Could you possibly show me?", I interrupted. Clove walked over and picked up her choice of weaponry. Knife. She stood 15ft away from the target, took her aim and...

Bullseye. The knife hit the centre of the target; I blushed as I had misjudged her.

"Not so bad now am I?"

"Wow Clove! long have you been able to get such perfect aiming?", I truly did feel embarrassed.

"Since I could walk and talk I guess. It runs in the family", Clove said not very loudly, almost a whisper. I guess she wasn't like me who likes to boast. "You want to get some ice cream?".

"Uh...yeah sure, just let me pack my stuff away".

"Clove! Over here!", called Jake.

"Be back in a minute Cato!", said Clove with a toss of her beautiful...straight...shiny black hair. The light made her midnight coloured hair shine like diamonds and her perfect pale skin looked so soft. Clove looked....nice. Cute even. Perhaps beautiful! I shook my head in disbelief; did I really just call Clove beautiful?

Forever and always: A Clato storyWhere stories live. Discover now