Chapter 29

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It's not safe at the lake, we could be seen, people could try to ambush us. By night, Clove is slowly coming round but refusing to talk.

"I'm sorry about Glimmer, Marvel. I didn't know how much she meant to you", I apologise.

"It's a little late for that", he mutters, "How's Clove?". I sigh and turn my head towards her; she is sitting on top of a rock sharpening a knife.

"She doesn't remember me. At all", my voice is wobbling now. I can't cry on television for the whole world to see. It would make me look weak, helpless, a fail.

My mind drifts elsewhere, to my family. I wonder how they are; Jay is probably chatting up some poor, unlucky girl and it's probably working. He is a charm when it comes to girls. Primrose and Ryan? They have no idea about the Hunger Games but, there time will come and perhaps they will be in an arena in the next 15 or so years. For now, they can enjoy playing in the meadows, chasing butterflies, bedtime stories and always knowing that they are safe. They are somewhere, where they have everything they need: food, water, shelter and someone to protect them, almost like a guard.

Both my eyes widen slightly as I go back over what I just said. It's like the arena! We all know where the supplies are. We have a guard! It's all coming together.

"Clove! Marvel! Over here, now!", I yell. They both grunt and walk over.

"The plan is, we set up camp at the cornucopia. District 3 boy will set up bombs underground. Won't you!". The boy shook his head ferociously. "Good. So whenever someone comes close, they explode".

"Along with our supplies", adds Clove.

"I c-can fix that", mentions the boy.

"Very well then. We must get there by sunset", I say. It's way too dangerous in the dark, especially with the boy from 3. Sure, he is a career but, it's only districts 1 and 2 that people bet on. If he gives us away, we all get killed, people back home lose money, they get angry, deaths. That's the thing about these games: You root for your favourite and cry when they die. Tonight, my plan is to get Clove alone and see if I can win her back. I try to remember if she hit the head earlier. Maybe... I play out what I want to say millions of times in my head as we gather the final small, but vital supplies. My head turns to Clove; she is hauling about 3 large bags onto her small figure. The bags wobble along with her thin legs.

"Here, let me get that for you", I say just as one bag drops on the dirt.

" thanks", she stutters, "How much father?".

"A good half and hour", a respond.

She shivers, "I wish we were given warmer clothes!". It's true, the afternoon heat is dying down to a cool wind. The nights are even worse, I usually have Cloves body heat but I don't think I will be rewarded with that any time soon.

"You can have my jacket, it's not even that cold!", I'm lying but if it wins the heart of Clove...I would do pretty much anything humanly possible.

"I couldn't do that to you! Stay warm Cato", she says and looks at her hands, "I think I need gloves, my hands are turning blue!". Without thinking, I instantly grab her hands and place them in mine. Her face turns red and she pulls away. I then feel my face turn red, I'm so embarrassed.

"Um...Cato? I don't feel that way about you; I never have...and I never will. I don't know what you were thinking about us being in love...your just my ally. Nothing more;I'm sorry", she confesses. I stand still, as if someone has paused everything, and take it all in. Her words replay over and over again in my head, never ending. Never ending pain. I'm still frozen, my hand still outstretched, it doesn't seem real! Tomorrow morning, I'm going to wake up, this will all be a dream, the Hunger Games won't be real, there will be no such thing as tributes, victors or reaping. I will wake up and smile, eat breakfast will my family(still smiling), meet up with Clove and have the best day ever. I will wake and everything will be...perfect.

"I hope you understand", says Clove.

"O-of course. Let's keep moving people!", I order. I keep a stern look on my face but on the inside, I'm breaking into millions of tiny pieces. Like glass being shattered, it can never be completely fixed.

"I-I have finished the mines Cato", says the boy from 3.

"Good, good. Now, go eat an apple or something. I'm busy", I order. Which is technically true, in busy caught up in my own world. I glance as Clove, beautiful, gorgeous Clove. If only she felt the same way again. I get flashbacks of earlier stages in the games. The smiles, the laughs, it was a form of happiness I guess. I'm still embarrassed about what I said to her but, I take a chance and join her anyway by a tree.

"What you doing?", I ask. She sighs and looks at me. Her eyes twinkle in the sun, hair gently blowing in the wind.

"Nothing in particular. Why?", she questions.

I blush, "Just trying to make conversation...".

"How's that working out for you?".

"Great...if you would talk to me".

"I'm not one for talking". Then let's kiss! However, I don't dare say that.

"So, how are we going to get through this silence?", I ask.

"I don't know. It's a bit awkward I guess".

"Doesn't have to be... How much do you remember?".


"Before you got stung by bees?".

"A bit. For some reason I was resting on you then...the chaos happened".

"Do you know why you were sleeping on me?".

She shakes her head, "No. Accident maybe?".

"No accident Clove", I whisper, "You loved me".

"What was that?".

"Nothing, nothing at all!".

Forever and always: A Clato storyWhere stories live. Discover now