Chapter 17

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Why would he be on floor 1 with Glimmer? What is he hiding? I leave the elevator with my arms crossed and go into the showers. I punch my buttons until I get the right temperature, hoping from foot to foot and the water jets adjust. I then dry myself and put on a pair of denim shorts, a white top and some shoes called 'Converses' very retro apparently and of course I am wearing the bracelet Cato gave me. He makes my life complete. I still have about ten minutes so I choose a book from the book shelf. A book called 'The fault in our stars' looks good but very old. We learnt about books in History, this one is from the 21st century and is about a girl called Hazel Grace Lancaster, what type of name is that?, and a boy called Augustus Waters. They both have cancer. This must be very old considering we found a cure for cancer 500 years ago! I get up to chapter 3 and then go up to the rooftop. I hear a slurpy noise from them end on the hallway. Sounds awful!

Cato, Glimmer, up against the wall, making out.

I rip off the bracelet and smash it to the ground whilst shouting, "You jerk! I hate you!". I storm off and run up the stairs, up too the rooftop. My mascara is running like the artificial rain in the Capitol, I'm smashing everything that gets I'm my way. When I reach the rooftop, I find Katniss and Peeta talking.

"If I'm gonna die, I what to still be me", Peeta exclaims.

"I can't afford to think like that", Katniss replies. They continue for another 5 minutes and the leave, I take there place and sit, crying and rocking back and fourth. I want to die, I am going to die somehow. I hate Cato, I hate him, I hate me, I hate Glimmer and I hate the stupid Hunger Games!

"Clove, I-", says a voice.

"What the hell do you want?", I yell.

"You", it replies. He is a jerk, don't fall for him Clove! Your better than that!

"I don't care Cato. Go run back to that barbie bitch and live happily ever after!".

"You don't understa-".

"I think I do, I'm not some stupid baby that needs you to protect me from everything! I don't care why you kissed her and I never will! Man, I was so stupid! Thinking a guy like you would fall for me". I don't dare look at him.

"A guy like me? Protective? Always been there for you? Perhaps handsome?". Don't fall for him!

"Get lost, I'm not falling for you again!", I said through my teeth.

"I'm not leaving until you let me explain". I get up look at him right in the eye and say, "Get away from me Cato, you never loved me okay? In the games, stay away from me and go die with the barbie. I'm not a little desperate and hopeless girl wanting the protection and attention from a beast like you!". I punch him on his cheek and leave.

I don't dare cry in front of him, I have to be strong. When I get back to my room I see Glimmer waiting outside for Cato.

"Clove, Cato's mine so back off! He could never love a girl like you; so ugly and worthless. Happy hunger games!". She flicks her hair and leaves. I open my door and step inside slamming it behind me. I flop into bed not bothering to change and just lie there.

I hear several knocks at my door, the first is Cato begging me to listen to him. I pull a pillow around my head instead. Next it's Isabelle asking if I'm okay. I let her come in and she sits beside me.

"Boys are rubbish Clover. We both know that!", comforts Isabelle, "Cato is really sorry and has a good reason it's that-"

"I don't want to hear it. He can say what he likes, a kiss always means something".

"Alright sweetie. Good night". Isabelle leaves but puts something on my bed. A teddy bear and a picture. I remember the bear, Mr Fluff. Whenever I cut myself training, I would always hug Mr Fluff and it would be okay. The picture is of a 7 year old me smiling, gaps where my milk teeth fell out. Next to me is a boy the same age but blonde. Cato. A smile appears on my face but I force it away. Must, focus, on, killing.

In the morning I take another shower and scrub my body from glitter that has been left from the costume last night. Training today, when I return, I see that my outfit has been layed out for me: black leggings, boots with fur on the inside and spikes on the outside and a top with red stripes on the shoulder and a badge that read: 2. Meaning District 2.

Lillian comes in later with her prep team and they gather my hair up into a ponytail and secure it tightly then adds a light coat of make up.

"We heard about what happened with Cato. Are you going to fix it?", Lillian asked.

I shake my head, "He doesn't deserve my forgiveness". Lillian sighs and continues.

Forever and always: A Clato storyWhere stories live. Discover now