Chapter 34

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Then Clove enters in a black shirt, crop top and combat boots. I try to not be all lovey in front of Caesar.

"Cato", says Clove formally.

"Clove. Your looking nice". She blushes slightly.

"Just hug already!", shouts Caesar. We don't argue as we embrace each other. I feel her hands grip me tightly.

"Don't mean to interrupt but-".

"10", booms a voice. I take a seat next to Clove and slip my arm across her shoulder. The voice counts backwards and then we are being broadcasted across the nation.

"Clove, now that your memory is back. Tell us, when was it you remembered how much Cato meant to you?", asks Caesar.

"I think, I think it was when Thresh was killing me and, and something just clicked. Everything came back". Caesar pulls out a tissue to dab his-probably fake- eyes before pulling himself together.

"So, what's the plan when you get back home Cato?".

I pause for a second before answering, "Spend as much time as possible with Clove before the Victory tour". I glance at Cane who gives me a nod.

"And, make sure Clove is doing well wit-with t-the".

"With what! Oh, do spill!". I look at Clove who gives me a puzzled look.

"With", I finally say. I can see Clove's cheeks turning red as she takes it all in.

"Oh my! How is it going?", Caesar asks her. Something tells me she has no idea what is going on.

", I'm a few weeks along and...I'm doing okay. The games were tough but...we pulled through. Together", she answers and Caesar tears up again.

"I didn't know we are going to tell the Capitol. Just yet", she adds.

"I though it was important Clove".

"Very well then...".

"So much excitement! Now, I must ask this. The moment you pulled out the berries. What was going through your mind?", he asks.

I take a long pause, trying to gather thoughts together. This answer is crucial. One wrong sentence, or word could kill us.

"The though of living in a world without Clove would be unimaginable", I admit. Which is true.

"Anything to add, Clove?".

She sighs before saying, " I would rather be dead than have our child face the world without Cato. I'm, we are so grateful". Caesar signs of the interview and we are free to go.

Clove avoids looking at me until Cane says, "We will leave you two alone for a bit", and leaves.

Once we are alone, Clove says, "A baby? A baby! Is that genius or stupidity? We are 15 for crying out loud!".

"I'm nearly 16 and so are you. It's not illegal! We don't live in the 21st century. You see 13 year old mums in the Capitol!". What a strange world we live in.

"How is this going to work out?", she asks.

"We will figure something out...we always do".

An hour later, we are sitting on the train on the way to District 2. When the train makes a brief stop for fuel, we are allowed to go outside for some fresh air. Clove and I walk down the track hand in hand, and I can't find anything to say now that we are alone.

"I still love you", she admits. I breath out a sigh of relief and wrap my hands around her small waist.

"I know", I say with a smirk, "I love you too". I pull her into me and brush her lips with mine. Even that small kiss sets off sparks flying around inside of me. I am happy that no camera are hidden in any bushes so we are completely private.

Isabelle startles me when she lays her hand on her shoulder. Even now, in the middle of nowhere, she keeps her voice low and hushed. "Great job you two. Clove, you better not really be pregnant...yet", she jokes, "Keep it up". I watch her jog back to the train as I clutch onto Clove's hand.

"What did she mean by keep it up?", I ask her.

"It's the Capitol. They didn't like our stunt with the berries", She blurts out.

"What? What are you talking about?", I say.

"It seems to rebellious. That's why we said all that stuff".

"You did mean some of it though, didn't you?".

"Of course. Who knows...maybe sometime we will have children. I need to pick some flowers for Kayla. Help me?". I nod and we walk over to a flower bush. I carefully chose a small bunch of flowers. I notice how tightly she grasps onto them.

By the next morning, we have arrived back home.

"Can't wait to see what our parents will think of the baby!", jokes Clove.

I laugh, "This will be interesting".


I wear a yellow dress and heels that comes just below my wait. The dress was my older sisters, along with her knife broach. Lillian and Tomaz returned to the Capitol so Isabelle braids my hair and applies a small amount of makeup.

"Just smile and wave, that's all you need to do", instructs Isabelle.

"Cato! Cato! Clove! Clove!", chants our home District as we step up onto the stage. President Snow steps forward and begins his speech.

"The 74th Hunger Games are now over. For the first time in history, we have two Victors. I am proud to present to you, your Victors: Clove Kentwell and Cato Hadley!". I smile and give a quick wave before a crown is placed on my head.

"That's a lovely broach, my dear", he hisses, obviously angry at us.

"Thank you. It was a gift from Isabelle", I say with no emotion.

" Such a...lovely girl".

"Happy Hunger Games!", he announces before leaving.

I take a deep breath before I walk into my old house. I refused to have a party, it would be so wrong.

"Clove!", squeals Kayla as she lunges herself towards me.

"Kayla. I'm so happy to see you! How are you?".

"I missed you so so much! But, I always believed in you".

"I keep my promises". The clearing of a throat makes me jump.

"Mother, father...", I begin, "About the baby...".

"We know", says father.

"Isabelle and Cane told us, and Cato's family".

"Good. Cato and I were wondering...if we could move in together?", I'm shaking as I ask this.

"Yes, of course. When were you planning on it?".

"As soon as possible".

Two weeks later

Cato and I moved in together a few days ago and are just finishing of decorating. His family and mine said that if we wanted, we had their 'okay' to have a baby. And after a lot of discussing, we decided to have the baby.

I walk through our front door after shopping and place the bags onto of our island in the kitchen. The marble floor and walls add great light to the room, it seems so much more happy and bright. Cato probably won't be back until dark so, I invite Kayla over to do a bit of shopping. The malls here are great! We spend at least 3 hours and I end up with 3 dresses: Cream, light blue and dark blue, 3 pairs of shoes: black high heels, black and white trainers and brown brogues, one purple coat, cream hair bows and two tops: yellow and blue and white. As we are from District 2, our clothes are slightly more up to date than the lower districts. Kayla fell in love with any clothes but, we mange to narrow it down to a grey dress, lace top, skirt, white pumps, pearl earrings and her first trains outfit. As a family, we decided to not let Kayla train but now, I think she needs to toughen up.

"Am I gonna get reaped?", she asks.

"No, I wouldn't let that happen. I just think you need to learn some self defence, that's all".


"Do I ever break my promises?". My main goal in life is to protect. So far, it's going okay. But, who can predict the future?

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