Chapter 19

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I want to forgive him, I do but, I can't. I must be strong and fierce, a threat. We have breakfast and dinner on our own floors but, for lunch we have it in a room near the gymnasium. Food is arrange on carts around the room and you serve yourself. Us career tributes have a reserved table as we are far superior than everyone else. Most of the other tributes sit alone. When all four of us are seated, the 3 of them chat away about tactics. I just sit there fiddling with my food looking at nothing in particular. Unless you count Cato. The bells signs the end of lunch and we have 2 hours left to train.
Cato and barbie are doing spear throwing so I ask to learn how to do some snare traps and knots. The instructor seemed very happy that a career tribute cares about something else than killing. He teaches me a simple snare what will catch a human and hang them upside down. It takes me and hour and a half until it's perfect then I do some archery. Katniss is there with Peeta. She has some skill, career potential.
"Hey Katniss", I say as I pick up a bow, "Your good, any chance you would join us careers?".
She turns he head to Peeta and admits, "We would rather not, it's about trust?".
"Okay 1. I was asking you 2. Are you saying we are not trustworthy? Watch your back girl on fire". I fire 3 bows into the dummies heart just before the bells goes and I go back to my room.
"Clove? Can I come in?". It's Cato.
I roll my eyes and reply, "Yeah whatever". He steps in and looks at me. So only he has the right to check me out where I'm wearing a mini skirt and 8-inch heels.
"You look... Hot Clove!", I blush, "What's with the new look?".
"I have been asked to do some modelling tonight for the Capitol". It will gain my sponsors.
"Can I come?". What harm could it do?
"Sure. Too bad it's not Glimmer isn't it?"
He rolls his eyes, "You know that I-".
"You love me. Yes, I know but, I'm not sure I still feel the same way...".
"We can make this work Clove". I'm still not convinced.
It's best to try and avoid this subject, so I say "I'm leaving now, are you coming?". He nods and we leave.
The photo shoot is about half an hour away from where we are staying until our death. I am given lots to choose from but, with the help of Cato, I finally choose a light green swimsuit (Cato liked that) with matching jewellery and flip flops, flower top with black jeggings and heels (Bringing retro back), bright red polka dot dress with red heels and accessories and turquoise jeans with pink 'vans' and top. It all went very well until, Cato and I were asked to do some photos together. We had to be all cute and cuddly. One of the photos is of his hands on my waist and my hands tangled in his hair. We where meant to look like we are just about to kiss. The thing is, we did. It wasn't passionate or hard, it was soft and gentle. I can't explain how much I missed his kisses, his strong arms on me, holding me so I don't fall. I can't wait to go back to District 2 and spend more time with Cato. I love him. Then I remember, I'm gonna die soon. I snap out of it and pull away.
"I-I'm sorry", I apologise. Am I sorry?
"I knew you couldn't stay mad at me", but am I still mad?
"Who said I wasn't mad for you". Cato raises and eyebrow and I realise what I just said, "At! At you! I hate you Cato Hadley". Of course, I'm only joking.
"I love you too Clovers".
The rest of the photos were less awkward and many involved us holding hands, cuddling and Cato lifting me. I can't believe that I fell for him! He will kill me in the end, I just know it. I am still mad at him, I just have trouble showing it!


On the second day of training, I'm practising with a sword whilst keep a close eye on Clove.
Her aim and my sponsors are what will get her home, not me. My aim is her life. As long as she lives, it's okay. I start the simulator and slice heads and pierce through the hearts of dummies;no one claps for me, not even Glimmer ,who is occupied with failing archery. All except Clove.
"Nice work Hadley , you might make it out the bloodbath!", Clove laughs.
"Thanks Clovers. Now it's my turn to watch you". She grabs my sword and enters the simulator, slicing the dummy in half! Does she have any flaws? Loving me perhaps. When she comes out, she goes over to the camouflage area and busies herself whilst I watch Katniss throw spears. She is not too bad actually but know where near as good as my Clove. She moves onto climbing and a girl I think named Rue follows. She is too young, too gentle to be in the games. I don't want to be the one to end her short innocent life.
Back on the District 2 floor, Isabelle, Cane and Mackenzie are giving us lots of advice on do's and do not's. Who is out the get us, who is afraid and what the game makers think.
"Strong and fierce but has a soft and flirty side towards Glimmer and Clove", is what they think. Clove rolls eyes and gives me a "Oh really?" Look.
"Clove, no fighting flaws, bound to be in the finally 3, a threat towards lots". She seems pleased. Tomaz and Lillian aren't here so it's fairly boring with them droning on. Clove seems rather keen to listen but I am inpatient.
"And finally, try to be friends you too. Your allies! Good night", Mackenzie adds to the never ending list of things to remember. I though we were friends...
When we finally escape to our rooms, I decide to make up with Clove once and for all. She is a few paces ahead of me until I grab her arm and pull her into my room. No, I'm not going to rape her!
"Cato, let me go!", she demands.
"Not until you listen too me". She sighs and sits on my bed.
"Okay, you know about the Glimmer things but what you don't know is that there are cameras everywhere! Except our rooms of course and they were on and were watching us. I need those sponsors! It's the only way to win!".
"So now it's all about you", she rolls her eyes.
"Those sponsors are for you Clove! So you can go home. You've been my mission ever since the reaping".
"That's not fair on you. I can't let you do this".
"This is my life and you can't change what I think. I'm doing this because I love you!", I yell. She falls silent.
"No...", she whispers now in tears.
"Your my love, my life. I don't give a damn about the barbie but I do give a damn about you". I wall over to my dresser and pick up what was once a broken bracelet. I asked Tomaz and Lillian to help me regain it and that's exactly what they did. I hold it out in front of her and she gasps, "But, it was broken!"
"And I fixed with a little help from our stylist". She laughs. I think Clato is one the road to recovery!

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