Chapter 16

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"Ah!", I gasp as my leg hair is ripped off.

"Sorry honey, that's it, your done! Thank god your not as hairy as the other districts!"

"Thank you?". Is that a compliment?

I sit in a dark ish room waiting for my stylist. A girl no older than 25 enters and sighs, "Congratulations! It's such a wonderful opportunity to represent your district!", is she mad?, "I'm joking sweetheart! It must be awful! I will do anything I can to make this week as good as it can be. I'm Lillian by the way". Lillian looks half normal, compared to the other Capitol people. She has long blonde hair dip dyed neon pink, a tight fitting dress with 9-inch heels. Her makeup is neutral but her eyes are violet!

"Your eyes...", I begin.

"Capitol fashion! Now, let's begin...".

After about an hour of makeup and stupid stuff, I'm done. I look in the mirror and see a girl. A girl who looks older, more fierce and dangerous yet eligant. I'm then led out of the room and into a large waiting area where I carefully study the other tributes. District 1: Shimmer or something like that and Marvel? The girl looks weak and fragile but they boy looks... Gay and cocky if I'm being honest. District 3,4 and 5 are just average, nothing special. 7,8,9 are the middle class districts but have done no training so they should be easier to kill. The boy from 11 looks very tough and strong, I will leave him to Cato. The girl, Lou? Maybe Rue is 12, the youngest tribute. Easy. District 12, the weakest of them all, the lowest of the low. Might as well give a good show when they die.

A tall, muscular guy about 6,2 walks out and towards me. I blush when I realised in staring; that's when I realise it's Cato!

"Clovers! Don't you look amazing?". Clovers? Where did that come from?

"Clovers? What happened to Cover or Clovey?", I laugh.

"Well, Clover is your full name and you hate when someone calls you that. Clovey because your lovely", he stretches out lovely, "And Clovers because when we first met I thought you said you were called 'Clovers Well'!".

"Stop embarrassing me Cato! Your first on my kill list", I warn.

"If you don't want him, I will happily have him!",Ugh, it's the barbie from 1, "I'm Glimmer!". Cato rolls his eyes in disgust.

"That's nice... But I'm not interested. I have Clove", Cato says.

"Clove? What type of name is that?", snorts Glimmer.

I laugh, "Says the barbie bitch!". Cato gives a 'calm down' look.

"Laugh now Clove but you won't be laughing when your dead. I kinda feel sorry for you Cato. Your stuck with her as your district partner!"

"I think you should leave Glimmer. Get back to Ken and his pinkness". With that, Glimmer plants a kiss on Cato cheek and struts off. My jaw drops.

"Don't worry baby, I will never leave you".

"Now baby? Choose one cutesy nickname and leave it be". Change of plan, Glimmer is now top of my kill list.

"Calm your self Clovers! Our chariot awaits", says Cato. We walk over too our stylist for some last minute adjustments.

"Your career tributes, strong and powerful. Not too much smiling, stand close together. Cato, I want your arm around Clove but, no where else!", instructs Cane, "Wave every so often. Look proud!".

Cato gets into the chariot first and helps me up.

"You look stunning Clovers!", compliments Cato.

"Not so bad yourself Hadley!", I return. District one begins to move and we are soon behind them, being pulled by two black horses. The crowd erupts and screams our names.

"Clove! Cato! We love you!", they chant.

"We need to draw attention to ourselves", I whisper to Cato. He turns to face me and kisses me passionately. The crowd goes mental screaming louder. The chants die down after a while as the lower and middle class district appear. Yes, we have done it! This could and will gain us sponsors. Everyone loves a tragic love story.

As we are nearer the end of the road, the shouting and chanting raises again. Why would they cheer for those districts? We turn our heads to see District 12, on fire! The crowd loves it! Looking good won't win the Hunger Games though!

All the districts create a semi-circle around President Snow and he gives a 'welcome to the Capitol, have fun bla bla bla' speech. It's bores me to death. He drones on for what seems like forever but is only 10 minutes in reality. But, this isn't reality, this is a living nightmare! Cato holds me firmly in his strong, muscular arms until it's over and are pulled back inside where our stylists meet us.

"Well done, well done! That was amazing!", congratulations Cato's stylist.

"The kiss was a nice touch Cato!", Lillian adds, "Now, you better get some rest, training starts tomorrow at 10".


Stupid district 12 and there stupid fire act. I stop them and glare whilst Clove is chatting to our stylists. The girl turns to face me and I give her a death glare and roll my tongue inside my mouth. The drunk mentor, Haymitch, notices and takes them away up to there stupid penthouse. Surely we should get the penthouse, we are far more superior.

We get in the elevator and Glimmer and Marvel join us.

"Hey Cato!", shouts Glimmer as she embraces me. I stand there with my arms down and am scream 'ew' inside me. When he finally releases me, the door open and I see District 1's mentors.

"Cato, may we speak to you?", one of them asks.

I nod my head, kiss Clove on the cheek and whisper, "Rooftop, at midnight ". She nods and leaves with her arms crossed. Obviously annoyed at Glimmer. Perhaps jealous? Her mentors bring me into a room and say, "You want sponsors right?", I nod my head, "Pretend to be in love with Glimmer. I know you don't want to but, if you want too make it out alive...". I don't want to make it out alive actually. Clove will though and this may help us get sponsors, "Okay". They explains the plan: Glimmer is a terrible actress and will believe that I am actually in love with her. The Capitol loves a tragical love story.

What Glimmer and her mentors doesn't know is that I will use the sponsors to help Clove win and kill Glimmer. I should tell Clove about this but, that means it might be awkward. I shake my head and go back to my room. The outfit slips off easily and I pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Thank god the Capitol loves hair products! I have a variety of hair gels to choose from to impress Clove. It's now 11:45 so I decide to make my way up. I close my door quietly so I don't disturb anyone. I can hear a giggle from down the corridor and a 'shhh'. I tip toe down and bump into Glimmer;there are secret cameras around, I can sense it; I kiss Glimmer and pull her in close.

"I love you Glimmer, I was acting like a jerk earlier. It's just that Clove gets so jealous and she is very jealous of your looks and personality. Will you ever forgive me?". I can't believe I'm doing this!

"Will you kiss me again?", she giggles. I pull her closer and kiss her harder, I then push her up against the wall and nibble her bottom lip, asking for entrance which she grants. I can hear a voice in the distance. Probably Marvel and his high voice but then I remember, Marvel doesn't have a high girly voice.


"You jerk! I hate you!", she shouts and something falls and shatters. I release my grip from Glimmer and look at the ground. What have I done? I pick up what she dropped; a bracelet broken into 3 pieces. The bracelet I gave her. Clato, forever and always? I tell Glimmer that I need some rest before training tomorrow morning and leave her in the hallway stunned.

Forever and always: A Clato storyWhere stories live. Discover now