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I wake up on top of Cato with my head resting on his bare chest and my legs still between his whilst his knees are bent upwards. I ache slightly but not enough to be classified as pain.

"Good morning beautiful! Last night was great", says Cato. Last night was good and I'm glad I happened. There was no cries or shouts just pure love and devotion.

"Defiantly. I love you", I reply.

"I love you more Clovers. You look very good at the moment". He leans toward my breast area but I slap his hand away.

"Hey! Don't push your luck". I climb away down for him and go into the bathroom. I look at myself, my hair is so tangled, my skin so pail and my body features, small. Then I go back to my room and announce that I'm going to get changed.

"How about that mini skirt and boob tube?", he jokes.

"No thanks. That's more your style, show off them abs for once".

Today, is the interviews so we have the whole morning and afternoon to ourselves . Most of the tributes will spend this training but not me! Isabelle and Cane are taking Cato and I out for the day. Shopping is what today consists of although, I don't see the point, I'm gonna die anyway. I chose some more District 2 like clothes: black jeans, black crop-top, snood, black shoes and a brown leather jacket.

I go to meet everyone in the breakfast room.

"Rocking the earthy look", snorts Cane.

"You should be nice to me. I could die anytime soon...literally", I say with slight sass.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry Clovey", he gives me a quick hug, "Do well with the interview tonight and you may have a few sponsors".

"Clove, I have something for you", says Isabelle. I walk towards her and she places a box in my hands and says, "It's something to give you good luck. It was mine in the games, and now it's yours!". I open it up to find a knife shaped brooch with a red tip on the end. She catches me staring at it,wondering what it is.

"Blood, blood of the other tribute who I killed to win. So, no matter what, you will always have the blood of a winner". I smile and say thank you as I attach it to my jacket.

"Why are we going shopping? It's a waste of money! I don't need anything anyway", I question.

"Change of plan, I'm going shopping and you have more modelling to do. More bringing back the retro look".

I nod, "Oh...okay then. Cato as well?".

"Yep! Have fun Clovey!", she quickly kisses my cheek and runs off.

"Bye?", but then I realise I'm talking to air. I return to my room and make myself look more 'Capitol' although I don't see why I should.

Once all my normal looking clothes have been replaced by a red dress and heels. They're not so bad just...uncomfortable I guess. I knock on Cato's door and tell him to get up.

"We are doing more modelling! Get up". He mumbles something about it being stupid.

"It's for the sponsors! Now, you have 10 seconds or I will drag you there", I warn. My reply is a grunt. I sit on his bed and slowly pull away the covers.

"It's too cold!", he complains. I get hold of his muscular arm and pull it, hoping for him to fall of the bed.

"If you never get up, I can never kiss you again...". That got him up; and me down.

"I'm up babe. Now about that kiss", he pulls my waist towards him so I collapses into his arms".

"First of all, we want one of our Clove alone, looking vicious. Wear this and see me when your done", a designer hands me a training outfit, just like the one I wore before. I slip into it and go to see Cecelia, the designer. She puts her hair into this wear ponytail thing but, it looks great!

Forever and always: A Clato storyWhere stories live. Discover now