Chapter 26

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"Welcome Cato! So great to have your here!", Caesar welcomes.
I nod and say, "Thank you. It's an honer to be representing District 2". It's really not though,anything to make a good impression.
"That's the sprite! As your a career, you have been trained to do this, what has been the best and worst part?".
I think for a while then finally say, "The best has to be having the wonderful opportunity... Too kill people and bring pride back home! The worst, I'm not ever going to have children of get married...".
"You could make it home...", says Caesar.
"I don't know", I shake my head.
"Now, tell us something Cato. We know that there is a very special girl in your life right now and you wanted to ask her something. Am I right?".
The audience gasp.
"There are not getting married! Yet...", Caesar laughs. Next thing I know, Clove is on stage with her arms crossed and is walking towards me. I take a deep breath and pull out the ring. I kneel down on one knee and say, "Clover Isabelle Kentwell, will you marry me?". Her jaw drops and her eyes widen. She is trying to say something but instead keeps nodding.
"Yes! Yes! A million times yes!", she exclaims finally. I pick her us and spin her.
The audience is going wild with delight.
"Cato Hadley everyone!", says Caesar.
"What was that? You know you can't get married!", shouts Isabelle.
"So? Let the Capitol think that we are. This is all for the sponsors!", I yell back.
"What so all of this is for the sponsors!", Clove yells.
"We need those sponsors! There were cameras everywhere! I did what I had to do!".
"What is that supposed to mean?".
"Nothing Clove! This doesn't mean anything! I love you okay?".
"You don't sound very sure of that".
"Don't tell how I sound!".
"Stop taking everything as an insult!".
"I'm not! Your not the boss of me".
"See? Yes you are!".
"I am not Clove! Just shut up okay? Shut your mouth for once!". The room goes silent.
"I'm going to bed", says Clove as she walks away. I feel awful.
"Clove I-".
"Shut up!", she yells.
I don't care if I'm supposed to be tough, I cry as I fall asleep. I wrecked everything!Tomorrow at dawn, we will be roused and prepared for the arena. The actual Games don't start until 10 because so many of the Capitol residents rise late. But Clove and I must wake earlier in order to be ready. Isabelle, Mackenzie and Cane don't come with us so we say goodbye to them first things before they go to the headquarters and hopefully sign us up with some sponsors . Tomaz and Lillian will travel with us to the very spot.
In the morning, Clove makes no eye contact with me. Mackenzie takes us both by the hand and, with a actual tears in her eyes, wishes us well. Thank you for being such amazing tributes and good luck. And then because it's Mackenzie and she's apparently required by law to say something awful, she adds, "Let's home next year, the tributes won't be so fussy and cause so much trouble with each other!". She kisses us both on the cheek and says good bye again and leaves us with Cloves siblings.
"Any last words of advice?", I say.
"Kill anyone who gets in your way, when the gong sounds, both of you run to the Cornucopia and grab whatever you can, run off with one another and find water!", instructs Cane.
"Try to win", Isabelle adds. She hugs me quickly and Cane pats me on the back then they move towards Clove.
"You have always been my favourite sibling", Cane laugh. Isabelle huffs.
"I believe in you and remember...have fun!".
"I hate you", she replies.
"No you don't".
"Sorry, I love you Cane, good luck in life!". I see a tear escape from the sparking eyes. He nods and puts his hands in his pockets. Trying also my not cry.
"Your an amazing sister, you can do this. Don't trust anyone but your Cato friend. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour!", they both kiss Clove and call for a group hug. I close my eyes and try very hard not to cry.
I don't see Clove in the morning. Tomaz comes to collect me and gives me some clothes to wear. Then, he guides me to the roof. My final dressing preparations will be done in catacombs under the arena itself. A hovercraft appears in the sky out of no where, just like it does and did for the reaping, the ladder drops down. I place my hands and feet on the lower rungs and suddenly in frozen. Some sort of current houses me to the ladder while I'm lifted safely inside. When I get inside, the ladder does not release me. A women in a white dress greets me and is holding a very long syringe.
"This is your tracker Cato, hold your arm still". I try to distract myself from the sharp pain in my arm. My tracker is used so the game makers can track where we are throughout the whole games and even if you win, you have the tracker for the rest of your life. So your being stalked your whole life. As soon as the tracker is placed, I am realised from the ladder and Tomaz comes up. An avox directs us to the breakfast room. I try not the eat too much but then, I need food incase there is not much in the arena. I decide to eat a good amount of filling foods and lots of fruit to release energy slowly. I feel like vomiting, not from eating, from nerves. The ride lasts about half an hour before the windows black us, suggesting that we're nearing the arena. The hovercraft lands and we go down the ladder again, this time it leads down into a tube that goes underground. We follow instructions to my destination, a chamber for my preparation. In the Capitol, it's called the Launch Room. In the districts, we call it the Stockyard. The place animals goes before slaughter.
Everything is brand new; I will be the first and only tribute to use it. I take a shower and clean myself until I'm raw. Tomaz fixes my hair then, the clothes arrive. It's the same for every tribute, Glimmer would not approve. Tomaz doesn't have a say in my outfit, simple trousers, green t-shirt with a sturdy brown belt, brown boots and a thin hooded black jacket. When I think in finished, Tomaz pulls out a pendent and places it in my hands, "From Clove", he says. I gently open it to see three photos inside, one from when we first started training at 4, another when we were 10 and the final one was taken just before the games.
"Turn it over", instructs Tomaz.
I do so and on the back,
'Its Together or not at all
Clato fovever...'
"And always", I say with a smile, "I thought she was annoyed at me!".
"People change Cato. Look out for her out there. Your a team now".
I nod and say, "I will do everything I can".
"You'll be okay, I promise". We sit in silence until a ladies voice books through speakers, telling us that it is time. I step into the glass cylinder.
"Good luck Cato, I believe in you". And then the cylinder is lifting. I'm in darkness for 15 seconds, and then I can feel myself being pushed up towards daylight. My eyes take time to adjust but soon I am ready. I look for Clove, she is on my left, Katniss on my right. I catch Cloves eyes and mouth, "You okay?". She just glares and then nods her head.
"I (something) you", she mouths back. I cock my head, not sure what she is saying. She repeats it, "I love you!". I love you? I nod my head and look around. Forest...perfect.

I can do this

I have to do this

For Clove

I love her

I have never been so ready

The gong rings and I am running to my death.

Forever and always: A Clato storyWhere stories live. Discover now