Chapter 1

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You walk through the doors of Las Encinas Medical Center, the rehabilitation center where you were a nurse, yawning and already ready to leave.

"Hey Sam" Says the receptionist as you stop by her desk.

"Hey Lucy, what's my station today?" You ask motioning to the whiteboard full of magnets assigning nurses to different floors.

"Well actually Vince and Cheryl want to talk to you," she says motioning to the office behind her where the man who ran the facility and your boss, the head of nursing, were apparently waiting for you,

"They say they have some 'special assignment' for you, whatever that means" She says rolling her eyes in their direction. You laugh and head into the office.

"Good morning, Ms. Skinner" Says Vince, sticking his hand out and you shake it firmly.

"Hey Vince" You say, taking a seat next to Cheryl.

"Hey sugar" Whispers Cheryl with a sweet smile. You answer her with a look that you hope conveys your confusion.

"You're probably wondering why we've brought you in here today Ms. Skinner" Vince says, shrugging out of his suit jacket and placing it on the chair behind him before sitting down.

"As you know because of the location of this facility and the stellar reputation of our rehabilitation program, we often have high profile patients," He begins and your mood instantly drops.

"High profile patients" as Vince called them were usually bratty and almost always did not actually want to get better, meaning they rarely finished the program and even more rarely stayed sober.

"And you know that one of the greatest prides of this hospital is our partnership with the Musicians Assistance Program." He adds.

"Of course" You respond, all of you in the room understood that MAP brought in most of the donation money to the hospital and it was vital to keep a good relationship with them.

"Over the weekend I was contacted by the head of that program and he told me he had a new patient coming in. He was at one point relatively famous but he's been living as a recluse and full time drug addict for about 6 years. We were hoping you would accept our offer to assign you as his personal nurse during his stay" He finishes.

"Sam, honey, you would work with him one-on-one for all of his time here. You'll be the spending the entire day with him meaning he will be your only patient for 28 days, assuming he finishes the inpatient program. We chose you for this because in the past year you've worked here you've done nothing but prove your skills in this field time and again. This guy has tried and failed at rehab before and both Vince and I believe that you working with him can make the difference in this young man's life." Cheryl says in her kind, motherly way.

"Of course I'll take it." You say with a grin and Cheryl squeezes your hand in thanks.

"Excellent, lets go over some logistics." She says opening up a manila folder that had been sitting on her desk.

"You'll be working with John Frusciante. He was in the band the Red Hot Chili Peppers but quit in 1992 because of dependence on drugs. He's tried to seek treatment twice since 1995 but was unsuccessful. It seems as though he experimented with many different drugs but Bob told us he mainly was addicted to alcohol, cocaine and heroin." She says, reading from the chart in front of her.

"Bob who? Bob Forrest?" You ask.

"Yes," Responds Vince, "Bob Forrest has been a friend of John's long before he was an employee of this facility. He will also be working with John but only sporadically, not at all in the same way you will be. Bob and Mr. Frusciante will probably only meet two or three times to discuss treatment."

"However whenever you need his help, Bob has made it clear he will be 100% available to you. He is a close friend of John's and seems to have known him throughout the whole process of his addiction. He will definitely be an amazing resource to you." Cheryl adds on.

"Great, I'll meet with him as soon as I can. When is Mr. Frusciante coming in?" You ask

"He should be here in about 20 minutes," Vince says, checking his watch.

"I'll be quick finishing up," Cheryl goes back to her explanation, "You will be working here from 8 am to 8 pm. You will also have to come in on Saturday afternoons from noon to 4. Though it may seem like a lot you will have breaks throughout the day when he eats his meals and is in session with doctors or groups. And your pay will reflect the extension in your hours."

"I don't need any more convincing. Thank you so much for this opportunity I am totally flattered that you chose me for this job even with my lack of experience." You say with a grin shaking both their hands.

Even though the hours sucked there was no way you couldn't take this job, it would look amazing on your resume that you were trusted with this only a few years out of nursing school. Beyond that you were curious to find out what it was like to work with only one person for a long period and to formulate a whole treatment plan basically on your own.

"Nonsense Ms. Skinner, you are completely qualified for this. We trust you to do a good job" Says Vince with a rare smile.

"Honey he'll be arriving soon so you better start prepping his room. His info and itinerary for today are all in here." She says handing you the folder, "Tomorrow while he's in group you'll meet with his doctors and Bob to create a schedule and treatment plan that works for him, but for his first few days we already have a plan set up for you."

"Thanks again Cher, I really appreciate this." You say and smiles warmly back at you.

"Well then get your butt up to the fourth floor and prove it! Haste makes waste Samantha." She scolds and you immediately scamper out of the room.

"What was that about?" Asks Lucy when you exit Vince's office.

"I don't know really, I'm being assigned as some rockstar's nurse" You say as you press the elevator button.

"Oooh, lucky girl" Giggles Lucy as you step in. You roll your eyes at her as the elevator doors close.

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