Chapter 21

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"Morning" You mumble, stumbling into John's kitchen and starting a pot of coffee.

"Good morning sunshine" He says coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, "Do you know what day it is?" He asks as he lifts you the slightest bit off the ground.

"What?" You ask sarcastically.

"Your 25th birthday!" He says with a laugh , "Aren't you excited?" He asks and you turn around to face him, grinning from ear to ear.

"Of course I am John" You say taking his face in your hands and giving him a big kiss, "But I'm controlling my excitement" You say.

"That's overrated" he says with a wave of his hand, "So are you excited for your party?" He asks.

"Of course, it's just going to be me, you, and the guys out for dinner right?" You say shrugging but he looks worried, "I am excited. You know I didn't want anything over the top" You say and he grins.

Several hours later you were in the car on the way to the restaurant when John's phone rings.

"Hello...oh hey, of course we can...really it's no problem...ok, see you in ten" He says flipping shut the phone, "Hey Flea asked me to give him a ride is that cool?" He asks.

"Of course!" You say waving him off. Ten minutes later you were in front of Flea's house and he jumped into the backseat.

"Hey Sam" He says giving you a quick kiss on the cheek and then sitting down. Five seconds go by before you hear a small commotion from the back seat and then you feel something being wrapped over your eyes.

"What the fuck?" You scream and feel cold metal that you recognize as handcuffs, wrapping around your wrists, "What the fuck is going on here" You scream again, struggling.

"Stop moving Sam relax, you're not being kidnapped by anyone you don't know, we're practically harmless" Says John with a laugh. 

"Why am I being kidnapped?" You ask calming down but still not liking not being able to know where you were.

"Well, we lied about making reservations at some stupid fancy restaurant" Says Flea, "That's so boring. So we're taking you somewhere fun. But we wanted it to be a surprise," You can hear the excitement in his voice.

"I'm going to let you in on a secret Sam, I didn't really need a ride. John just asked me to help him out...this was all planned!" He stage whispers and you laugh in spite of yourself.

Because you're the driver there's an awkward transfer of power as they lead you, handcuffed and blindfolded, into the backseat while Flea takes your place behind the wheel.

You guys drive for about fifteen more minutes and you keep trying to guess where you were going but the guys won't give anything away.

"Ok, we're here" Says John's voice after what feels like half an hour and you feel the car stop. You hear Flea get out and you feel a cold breeze as your door opens.

"Let us enter" Flea says and you feel his callused hand help your out of the car.

"Wait, I don't get my blind fold off now that we're here?" You pout.

"Once we go in love. But I will take off your hand cuffs as long as you promise not to let yourself ruin the surprise" Says John and you feel his protective arm work its way around your shoulder as someone who you assume is Flea unlocks your cuffs. You hear a door open and John lightly pushes you inside.

"Sorry baby, but it's a little over the top" He declares, pulling off your blindfold.

You open your eyes and blink at the bright multicolored light that are lighting up a mostly empty bar. Seated on bar stools across the room were Chad, Anthony and of course Clara, all snickering at you. Just behind them was a giant machine with microphones attached to it, and if you had look behind you, you would've seen a giant teleprompter.

It takes you a second to put two and two together but when you do you can feel the surprise show on your face.

"You rented me a karaoke bar?" You say feeling a smile spread across your face.

"You bet baby! I know how much you loved Clara's party so I made you your own!" John says.

"And we have an amazing opening number" He says and Chad snaps his fingers in an odd over the top way. The beginning parts of the 'N Sync song "Tearin' Up My Heart" Start and you turn to Clara with your mouth open.

"Clara, that was our secret!" You yell hiding your smile. She just shrugs at you.

"It was too good not tell" She justifies, grinning sheepishly as the boys start dancing.

Anthony and John start singing the first part. They dance what you can only assume in the dance in the music video and then Chad and Flea join in on the chorus.

When John's solo comes on he walks over to where you are sitting and sits himself down on your lap and caresses your face making Flea cover Clara's eyes and everyone else basically die laughing.

Everyone sings about a million different songs, but the standout performances of the night are: you and John doing "You're The One That I Want", John serenading you with "How Deep is Your Love", Clara singing Flea's song "Pea" (the censored version of course), and of course a revamped version of "Stop Right Now" from all the guys.

"Ok, now for the grand finale of the night. Your presents!" Yells John and Clara claps.

"Mine first, mine first!" She yells and everyone laughs. You take a box from her hand and open it.

"Oh my god Clara! I love it!" You say holding up a signed, framed photo of Patti Smith, who she knew was one of the few musical artists you would listen to non-stop. She had even turned off the spice girls CDs for a second and picked up Flea's copy of Horses and told you she really liked it, "Clara this is perfect I'm putting it up in my apartment as soon as I get home. Where did you get this?"

"Thanks, dad helped me pick it out. We got it at some gallery place by John's" She says looking over at Flea and he beams with pride. The rest of the presents are just as good: A collection of poems by modern artists from Anthony, a book about the Red Hot Chili Peppers as a joke from Chad, and a copy of Flea's favorite Louis Armstrong album on vinyl.

"And then last present is from your boyfri-ennnd!" Sings Clara and John steps forward carrying a small box wrapped in silver paper.

"Here Sami, open this" He says holding out. You open it up and a beautiful white gold locket pokes through the velvet of the box.

"Oh my god, babe this is beautiful" You say picking it up by the chain and holding it out in front of you.

"Open it up" He says and you do as told revealing two pictures, "These are my favorite photos of us together" He says and then he points to a candid photo of you and him at his going away party as Las Encinas.

"Photo credit!" Yells Flea putting a hand in the air.

The second photo is of you and him, and you immediately recognized it also. It was when Flea had let Clara borrow his camera for the day when all of you went to the beach and she was taking photos. She had asked you and John to pose together in an "artsy way" And John suggested you lean your foreheads together and stare into each other's eyes.

"This is amazing John, really amazing" You say giving him a kiss.

"So you like it?" He asks leaning his forehead against yours just like in the photo.

"I love it" You say smiling, "I love you, even though this is completely cliché" He smiles back at you which makes his eyes light up.

"I love you too Sami" He responds and then he kisses you again.

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