Chapter 40

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You call Anthony and Chad, giving them a synopsis of the situation in the shortest possible terms, promising them you'll explain once they get here.

Anthony's the first one to arrive because he had been having breakfast just a couple blocks away when you had called.

"Hey Sam" He says as soon as he sees you, running over to give you a hug.

"Hey Ant" You say letting yourself be hugged by him and relaxing into his touch.

"Are you alright? Is John ok?" He asks immediately.

"Well aside from having had the most emotionally draining day of my recent life, only second to the day I found out I was an orphan at ten, I'm doing ok." You say.

"Look, I know it must've been hard having to watch both your exes fight—"

"John isn't my ex anymore!" You yell in a frustrated tone and Anthony looks alarmed.

"Ok sorry Sam-" He says but you stop him.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you... it's just that I have absolutely no clue why he hasn't talked to the band or why he hasn't told you guys anything that's happened the past few days and it's kind of stressing me out—well that among other things" You say tapping your fingers against your hip nervously.

"Sam," Shouts Flea running into the building, "I fucking sped all the way here" He says running over to you and giving you a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm glad you're here," You whisper into his ear and give him one last squeeze before letting go.

A couple minutes later Chad walks in, "Hey" He sighs and gives you a hug, "So what the fuck is going on?" He asks.

"Hi Chad!" You greet him with a small smile.

"I guess I do have to explain since John didn't tell any of you anything, for some reason" You mutter, pursing your lips. "Well I guess all this began on Saturday..." You begin and you explain the day's events. And they have reactions to every word you speak.

They collectively gasp when you tell them about Dan hitting you.

"Where is that asshole" Anthony says after you tell him, grinding his fist into his other hand.

"Yeah, let us give him a taste of John's medicine" Says Chad cracking his knuckles. You talk them both down, saying you've had to watch enough people you care about get arrested today.

You then proceed to tell them about getting fired.

"You gotta be shitting me" Flea says his mouth dropping open.

"I am not" You reply shaking your head and pursing your lips.

You then tell them about the fight and how it happened and all the shit that went down after the police came and what was happening now.

"Ok that's a lot of shit going down for you in the span of like 72 hours" Says Flea and you nod.

"Sam, don't you think you should maybe go see the shrink, I think the officer's right. We can handle this John stuff" Says Anthony hesitantly.

"No, I have to be there for him, I have to get him out, I have to take care of him." You say stomping your foot like a small child.

"Sam, you gotta think about yourself, you've been through a lot" Says Chad and you shake your head.

"Nope, I can't, no" You say. Before they can press the subject anymore the lawyer comes in.

"Hey Nick, excellent to see you" Says Anthony shaking the lawyer's hand.

"Hey guys" He says. He then explains in detail what is going on.

"Ok, I got the bail. I think we should consider it a band investment" Says Flea after Nick explains what has to happen.

"Thanks man" Says Anthony and Chad claps him on the back. Nick leads Flea to a place where he can pay and the rest of you anxiously wait on a bench in the lobby.

"You know I once shot coke on the front steps of this place" Says Anthony after you'd been sitting in silence for a couple minutes.

"Thanks for the heartwarming tale Tony" Says Chad and you snort into the cup of bad coffee that you had gotten from a friendly officer.

Before Anthony can make a smart comment back, Flea comes walking through the doorway accompanied by the lawyer and John.

"Johnny!" You scream as soon as you see him. You run to him and jump into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and nearly knocking him over. You didn't realize just how much emotion you had cooped up inside of you until that moment and you began to cry into John's shoulder, "Are you ok?" You stutter through your tears.

"Yes, I'm fine Sami, I'm ok. All I'm worried about his you" He whispers soothingly.

"I'm alright, really, I'm fine" You say as you wipe your eyes and he laughs at your obvious lie.

"Ok" He says not pressing the matter, "Let's get out of here eh? Let's go back to your hotel. Come on, I think you deserve to take a mid-day nap" He murmurs calmingly into your hair, god how you had missed him. You sniff and nod, burying your face in his shoulder as he carries you outside and into the car, kissing your temples softly.

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