Chapter 22

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"I can't believe I'm actually going to a real recording studio and watching like an amazing band play like live and stuff" Your friend Lucy says and you laugh.

"Yeah, I know it's awesome to come here. I never thought I would be able to bring my friends to a studio to introduce them to my boyfriend, the guitar player in a band" You say with a laugh.

"Especially after all those boring guys you used to date, the accountants and the teachers and the male nurses. This is such a fun change" She laughs.

"What are you girls talking about?" Asks Anthony coming over and giving you a hug.

"Hey Ant, this is my friend Lucy. She works with me at Las Encinas. We were at lunch and I thought we'd come in here and say hi" You say and Anthony eyes Lucy with a grin.

"Lovely to meet you my dear Lucy" He says in a charming tone and you roll your eyes knowing that he's going to be flirting with her the entire time she was here.

"Where's John?" You ask looking around the studio.

"I think he's out there talking to Milla" Says Chad, rolling his eyes and pointing to the door.

"Oh," You say shrugging, "Luce wanna come with me to see John?" You ask pointedly.

"Um, yeah sure" She says walking with you out the door but sneaking a few glances back at Anthony as she goes.

You get into the hallway and see John leaning against a wall with Milla, laughing with her. You feel a twinge of jealously when you see that she's the one making him laugh, but tuck it away. John proved to you last time you saw them together that she didn't mean anything to him.

"Hey babe" You say moving in to give him a kiss on the cheek but he holds up a finger to stop you.

"One second honey" He says not turning away from Milla as she finished talking. You embarrassedly turn to Lucy, blushing at the fact that he chose to talk to Milla as oppose to letting you kiss him, but Lucy seems too transfixed on the fact that she was standing next to a movie star to notice.

When Milla finishes whatever she was saying John laughs but turns to you and gives you a kiss. You can't tell if you're over thinking things or not but to you the kiss feels a little half-hearted.

"Hey  Sami, how was work?" He asks and you turn to him annoyed.

"It's Sunday" You say pursing your lips.

"Oh well what have you been doing all day?" He asks.

"Well I slept over at your house last night, and this morning I told you I was going to lunch with Lucy" You say annoyed at his apparent lack of listening to anything you said.

"Oh right" He says still seeming not to pay attention, "Hey can you go tell the guys I'll be in soon" He says and you look at him incredulously.

He had been acting kind of distant ever since the bands mini-tour a few weeks back and you thought it was just him adjusting to being back home but it had been two weeks and he still was acting awkward around you.

Now, seeing the way he was talking to Milla, the way he used to talk to you, made you angry beyond belief. You knew you may have been overreacting but you didn't care. You stomped off towards the rehearsal room angrily. Lucy follows you and once she's in you slam the door shut angrily.

"Shit, god damn shit, that stupid--" You shout angrily, pacing around the room.

"What's wrong?" Interrupts a concerned Chad.

"John and I have barely had time to see each other lately because I'm been working overtime to build up fucking vacation days so I can go on the next tour for a bit, so we basically only see each other on the weekend and he won't even pay attention me then. Plus, ever since you guys went on that mini-tour thing he he's been acting super distant. Even when you were on that tour he would only call every three days or so-" You say still pacing furiously but Flea cuts you off.

"Sam, what are you talking about? He was calling you like all the time, at least once, mostly twice a day he would go into his room and mumble something about calling you and not come out for like an hour" He says and you look up at him, even angrier than before.

"Well he wasn't fucking talking to me" You growl and Flea shrinks away, "He was probably talking to that bitch Milla" You mutter to yourself biting your lip.

"Sam calm down, how do we know he wasn't just talking to his mom and was too embarrassed to tell us that he missed her or something" Says Anthony stroking your hair in an effort to calm you down and you look at him gloomily.

"Please Anthony, we all know that's not true" You say, beginning to cry into his shoulder.

Flea, Lucy, and Chad watch awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. A second later you hear the door open and look up to see John standing there looking annoyed,

"Hey what's with all the yelling guys the whole hall can hear you" He says and then his eyes land on you, "Sami what's wrong?" He asks running over to you and reaching out to you but you cower closer into Anthony and away from John.

"Why would you care?" You spit at him angrily.

"Wait is this because I was talking to Milla" He says pointing his thumb towards the hall and you don't answer.

He rolls his eyes, "Sam, I was in the middle of a conversation. I couldn't just stop and ignore her to say hi to you, it would've been rude" He says and you shake your head.

"No John, to be honest I don't really give a fuck about you talking to her out there anymore" You say hearing the malice dripping from your voice and getting up out of Anthony's arms, "I'm a tiny bit more concerned about the fact that you were calling Milla apparently twice a day, when you were 'too busy' to even call me once a day. Whenever I called you were 'too busy' to talk " You yell, using air quotes.

You know you sound crazy but you're too livid to care.

"Sam..." He mutters, running a hand through his hair.

"No John, you know what save it. To be honest I don't care what you have to say" You say grabbing Lucy's hand and pulling her with you, praying that the tears you're holding back won't fall.

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