Chapter 25

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"Your hair is getting long Johnny" You say as you brush the tangles out of John's hair after you get out of the ocean. You're sitting on the beach and he's writing in a journal as you carefully ease out the knots in his wavy dark brown hair.

"Yeah, I know. I think I need to cut it soon" He says.

"No, I like it" You say finishing up and gently removing the comb from his still wet hair.

"Thanks Sami" He says turning his head and giving you one of his beautiful smiles.

"Whatcha writing?" You ask lying down on your stomach and wiggling next to him.

"A song" He says.

"For the Peppers?" You ask, "I didn't think you wrote lyrics for them"

"No, I'm thinking of doing another solo record" He says picking up the acoustic guitar he had brought to the beach with you today.

"So are you going to write a song about me for this record?" You ask jokingly and he smiles up at you.

"Maybe, someday" He says trying out different chords and softly singing the words to his song.


Hours after your beach trip you were at the airport peering over the crowds of people to try and see the faces of your family in the packed airport terminal. You see your Aunt's face over the crowd and you begin waving energetically, trying to show her where you and John were. When she sees you she excitedly waves back at you.

Just after you graduated college her and your uncle sold their house in Pasadena and bought a ranch in northern California. You had only seen them half a dozen times since.

You were excited to finally see them again, you hadn't seen them since the past Easter when John had gone to his family's house in Florida and you had gone up to see them.

"Samantha" Says your aunt opening up her arms for a hug and you squeeze her tight, "I've missed you honey" She says rocking you back and forth like she would when you were younger.

"I've missed you too Callie" You say. You called her by her first name because you couldn't call her mom and calling her 'aunt' all the time seemed too formal.

"Hey kiddo" Says your Uncle Ben.

"Hey, how's the ranch?" You ask giving him a hug.

"Well, you know. There aren't animals on it so it's basically just a bunch of useless acres" He says and you look up at him with a confused expression.

"I thought Cal was going to get a horse?" You say looking over at your aunt.

"Yeah that plan went dead" Callie says with a chuckle, "So introduce to the famous John" She says and leans over stage whispering to John, "You've been haunting our phone conversations for months" She exaggerates and John smiles.

"Ok guys, this is John. He's my boyfriend of...oh god almost a year now" You say exchanging a surprised glance with John.

"Hey nice to meet you in person Mr. and Mrs. Skinner" He says blushing and you laughed about of how cute it was that he was nervous.

"Please son, call us Callie and Ben, none of this silly mr. and mrs. stuff." Says your uncle and John laughs uncertainly.

"Nice to meet you, Ben and Callie. Sami has been telling me about you for a while and it's nice to be able to talk to you when it's not a secret phone conversation." He says.

"You too, you're so polite, much nicer than Sam's other boyfriends" She says exchanging a look with Ben.

"Callie!" You say grinning but embarrassed.

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