Chapter 9

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 "Come on John, eat faster. We really have to get you to this meeting" You say, attempting to force him to get out of bed.

Today was supposed his first session of art therapy. It was something you had been looking forward too because you had high hopes about its effect on John's recovery. You knew during his time holed up in his house he experimented with painting more than any other type of art.

"So what even is this session, I'm all for sitting around and painting but I don't really how this going to help me stay sober" He says and you sigh.

Even though he's been making an effort to take his treatment seriously and trust your decisions for him, there were still moments where he was unwilling to be even a little open-minded about treatment plans.

"You're saying that painting was never even a little bit therapeutic for you?" You inquire, raising one eyebrow as he cleared his plate.

"Well, yes it was" he admits sheepishly, "But I still don't have faith it will work in this environment, I don't think it translates to this place"

"Well I have faith that it will work and if it doesn't then next week the music therapy guy is coming in and we can try that, and if that doesn't work then the week after next you're done with treatment and can figure out your own outpatient therapy plan" You say smugly and he laughs.

"Did Flea come by to drop off my painting supplies?" Asks John, looking excited. His interest in something about painting raises your spirits and you reply with an enthusiastic nod.

"Yes he did, I'll grab them from the front desk" You before immediately walking out of the room.

When you get back to his room you see that he is lying back down on his bed, completely under the covers.

"Come on John, don't mess around we have to get going" You say, walking across the room trying to shake him awake

"Lay with me" He responds, squirming around his bed.

"John we've talked about this" You say half-heartedly, "I could get in serious trouble if we're caught in a compromising position like this."

"Pleaaaa-ssse" He moans smiling up at you like a little kid.

"Fine" You say walking over to the door and closing it before squeezing into the twin size bed, "But just for a minute. We are probably going to be late to your session as is." You say wrapping your arms around him and he snuggles his head into the crook of your arm.

You lean down to kiss the top of his head but he turns at the last minute so you get his lips instead; tricking you into kissing him. You kiss him lightly at first, and just when you start to get more into the kiss you hear a clearing of a throat behind you.

You turn you head and see your boss, Cheryl, standing in the doorway of John's room, not looking pleased at all.

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