Chapter 53

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Hey guys :) I know this is sort of a sad storyline and I realize this is a topic some of my readers have gone through with someone they know, or even gone through themselves and I am trying to be as respectful as possible with this... Anyway keep giving me feedback so I know what you guys think! Thanks, love always.

"Morning Johnny." You say in greeting, kissing him as he walks in.

"Hey babe," He says leaning down and kissing you tenderly, "How long have you been up? I just went down to the store to get you these" He presents you with a bright bouquet of flowers.

"Oh my, John they're gorgeous, you didn't have to get me anything!" You exclaim, hugging him again. Ever since you had gotten sick a couple months ago he had been showering you with presents at every turn. It was great but you wished he didn't feel obligated to do so.

"I wanted to babe, I know I've been working a lot on the solo album a lot and I wanted to make it up to you" He says and you sigh, "John you're making the solo album at our in home studio. You are literally a wall away from me whenever you're working, its ok" You say.

"I know, I know but I worry." He says and you sigh, wishing he would stop babying you.

"I'm going to put these in some water" You say holding up your flowers. 

You mess with the bandana on your bald head and shout as you go into the kitchen, "Don't forget I have my doctor's appointment today and you said you wanted to come and see my results." You yell.

"I know Sami" He replies, "I'm going to finish up this one song and then we can go get lunch and maybe walk around for a while before it's time for the doctor"

"That sounds great babe, how long until you're done?" You ask hovering outside the kitchen doorway and shouting down the hall.

"Only like an hour and a half...tops." He replies.

"Ok" You say walking into the kitchen and getting a vase out of one of the cabinets. You sit around and read a magazine and listen to music until John's done and then you head out to the car.

"Where do you want to go?" He asks.

"I don't care," You say getting in the driver's seat and turning on the car, "You know Anthony recommended a café in West Hollywood that he said had these amazing tacos" You suggest a second later.

"That sounds good, I think I've heard him talk about it too" He says. You begin to drive into Hollywood and roll down the windows and let the air rush past you. You look over at John and see he's done the same.

You watch his rapidly growing hair blow in the wind and you feel your stomach sink when you think about how you can't do that anymore because of the chemo. You quickly roll up your window, suddenly not liking the feeling of wind rushing across your face as much as you had minutes before.

"What's wrong babe?" Asks John rolling up his window as well.

"Nothing, the wind was just too loud" You say not looking at him. He doesn't press the matter so you just sit in silence—which was becoming quite a regular thing between you two.

You split a plate of tacos at the restaurant and walk down Melrose before driving over to Cedars-Sinai, which was where your doctor was.

"Ah Sam," Says the doctor when you walk in, "You look lovely as always." He says giving you a kiss on the cheek. He was an old friend that you met when you were in nursing school and he was a medical student at the same facility, you had known each other for years.

"And John, so great to see you again" He says firmly shaking John's hand.

"You too man." John answers, smiling 

"So what's the story Nick?" You ask sitting down across his desk and John perches himself on the arm of your chair, taking your hand. You squeeze on it tightly as he smiles down at you, stroking your hair calmingly.

Today you were getting your test results back to see how well the chemo was working and you were both very nervous.

"Well Sam, I will give it to your straight—the chemo isn't working as well as we might've hoped." Dr. Andrews says. You hear John's breath catch in his throat and you continue listening to what the doctor's saying as if in a daze, not exactly registering it, "The cancer isn't exactly growing anymore, and it's even shrunk a little but it has not gone away, which is the point of the chemo"

"Well what does that mean for her though?" Asks John.

"Well the chemo can keep it at bay for a while, but not forever, and you can't exactly be on chemo for the rest of your life" He says.

"Well what can we do, isn't there something we can do, there must be more" Says John frantically, his voice cracking a bit.

"There is" You say in monotone, not looking up from your feet. It's the first time you had spoken since Nick had told you the results of the test and they both look at you expectantly, but when you don't say anything the doctor clears his throat and continues on.

"Yes, there are a couple other options," He says, "One is we could up the chemo amount, however in order to kill this particular kind we would have to give you the largest dosage that we are legally allowed to give a human being. That would be like all that you are going through right now...times 10." He says and both you and John wince a bit.

John had been by your side this whole time, not leaving to go on tour or anything. He'd been with you through it all, the nights when you threw up in a constant loop until three am, when you cried for a week straight when your hair was first falling out, when you didn't sleep for days because of the pain you had all over.

He had been there for it all and you knew it had hit him hard to see you like that, you saw how freaked out he looked, even though he tried to hide it from you.

"What are the other options?" Asks John, expectantly, still with some hope leftover.

Dr. Andrews clears his throat and looks over at you nervously, "I'm afraid the only other option would be a partial mastectomy" He says and you look at him for a couple seconds before John breaks the silence.

"Ok, I know I should know what that means but—" He says and you cut him off.

"Its getting your boobs cut off," You explain and John's eyes widen, "I would lose my breasts John."

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