Chapter 12

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"Come on John, we have to go to the rec room, I told you this yesterday" You sigh and he rolls his eyes.

"I don't want to Sami, I leave tomorrow I don't really need to go to whatever the meeting is. Cut me a break!" He says into his pillow. He had spent the last ten minutes refusing to get up from his bed.

"Fine" You say and then go into his bathroom. You grab a cup, fill it with super cold water and walk back in the room. Then you proceed to pour the freezing cold water onto his head and simultaneously pull his blankets completely off his body.

"Slow down Satan" He mumbles shaking his hair like a dog and getting you all wet.

"Oh you did not just do that..." You say maliciously, but you still grin at him.

"Oh yes I did" He says and then he pulls you onto the bed and starts tickling and shoving his shaggy wet hair into your face.

"John, stop," You gasp unable to control your giggling. He keeps tickling you until you both can't breathe from laughing so hard.

"I'm so glad I met you" You whisper when he stops.

Instead of responding he just kisses you softly. You kiss him back, loving the feeling of electricity running through your body as he touches you. You open your eyes for a second and catch sight of the time on John's clock next to the bed.

"John we really do have to go" You mutter as he nibbles on your ear lobe.

"No we don't" He whispers seductively and it takes all the will power you have to pull yourself away from him.

"Yes, we do" You say smiling.

"Fineeeeeee" He whines, getting up and going to the dresser for a change of clothes.

He picks up a clean pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt and holds them up for your approval.

"No, something nice. Work with me here" You say walking over to his dresser and getting out a pair of Jeans with no rips, and a long sleeve red t-shirt.

Besides some initial reluctance he agrees to He finishes getting dressed with minor complaining and then you walk down the hall to the rec room.

"Sam, what the hell, its empty, why'd you want me to come down here?" He complains.

"John let's just see if anyone's in there, ok?" You say rolling your eyes.

"The lights are off and the door's closed I'm pretty sure no one is in there" He says turning around. You grab his arm and pull him back over and he grumbles. You open the doors and flip the light switch to reveal a full room decorated for John's goodbye party.

"SURPRISE!" Shouts at least twenty voices simultaneously and he laughs and claps his hands together.

"Were you actually surprised?" You whisper in his ear grinning widely.

"I would love to say yes, but Sam I cannot tell a lie, I have known for like a week" He says smiling kindheartedly as your face falls, "But I'm still as excited as I would've been if it was actually a surprise" He say kissing your temple lightly when no one's looking.

"Good" You say giving him a small hug.

"Hey man congrats, congrats, you're out, you're free!" Yells Flea running over and jumping around.

"Yeah I know, I'm excited to re-enter the real world" He says laughing at Flea's exuberance.

"Hey John man good to see you again" Says John's friend Bob Forrest. Bob had worked at Las Encinas about the same amount of time you had so you knew him pretty well, yet he was still one John's only close friends who didn't know about you and John yet.

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