Chapter 31

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"You what?!" You ask in an incredulous tone and he repeats what he said.

"I miss you Sami" He says.

"No nicknames please!" You murmur, sinking down to the floor and banging your head against the wall in frustration. You get a few stares from some people dining at tables by the bathroom but John ignores them, walks over and sits down next to you.

"Sam?" Asks John leaning in closer, "Are you ok?"

You ignore his question but turn to him, staring him down, "John, 'Sam' is a fucking nickname." You whisper maliciously before turning back the wall and banging your head against it some more.

"Ok, I'm no medical professional but I'm pretty sure that isn't good for you," He says motioning to what you were doing currently, "Or for the wall for that matter. Don't you lose a lot of brain cells every time you do that?" He asks but you disregard his statement and keep hitting your head against the navy blue painted walls of the bathroom waiting area.

"Yes" You say a little while later finally turning away from the wall. He looks at you questioningly and you explain, "I am a medical professional and I know you lose a lot of brain cells every time you hit your head against something" You say and then there's silence.

"So about what you said before my mental breakdown," You begin leaning your back against the wall and he mimics your arrangement of limbs.

"Yeah..." He prompts and you sigh.

"It makes me think that..." You say, "You're an even bigger douche than before" You finish and his expression of excitement quickly turns into one of hurt.

"That wasn't what I was expecting." He responds.

"Oh what were you expecting? Me to just run back into your arms and take you back just like that? For me to just forgive all the shit you put me through cause of those three stupid words? It doesn't work like that John. Did you actually expect that?" You counter, getting up and turning to him. He also gets up and doesn't reply for a while.

"Well..." He says rubbing his short haircut.

"Oh my god, you did, you actually thought I would just come back to you didn't you? You conceited dick!" You say.

"Well I don't know if I actually believed, I think it may have just been wishful thinking" He says attempting to smile but you won't have any of it.

"You're running in circles John. First me, then Milla, then me again, then if I take you back it will be back to Milla, or maybe just some other random girl. It's not healthy John. I don't wanna be the girl you run back to when you're bored with your model girlfriends. I'm not your leftovers" You say.

"But you're not" He says his voice cracking, "Sami. . ."

You look at John and see tears forming in his eyes. You feel an immense wave of sadness at seeing him cry, but also a sense of satisfaction at being the one to make him cry for once, turning the tables and making him feel even a fraction of the pain he caused you.

You can't stand to be in the same room as him after that so you immediately leave, feeling tears form in your eyes as well. He doesn't even try to stop you; he just backs into the corner and cries more.

You go straight to Flea's table and wrap your arm around his chest from behind. At first he seems surprised but you can feel his smile after he realizes it's you.

You're in a position where you can easily whisper into his ear, "Flea, I just got a call from my aunt on my cell. There's a family emergency, I think I'll have to step out early." You say and he turns to you with a concerned expression on his face.

"Oh god, I'm sorry Sam" He says standing up from his seat. You feel the tears threatening to boil over and you know Flea can tell, but he still thinks it's all about this made up family tragedy, "It's going to be ok kid, whatever happened you will get through it, you're so strong" He says and you hug him fiercely, grateful for Flea's always generous heart.

"It was an amazing party Flea; I wish I could've stayed longer. Happy birthday baby" You say planting a small kiss on his lips, "There's your present" You say jokingly and you wipe away a couple tears cascading down your cheeks.

"Thanks for coming Samantha, it's been amazing to see you." He says as you begin to walk away.

"And same to you" You say blowing him another kiss and walking towards your table. You reach the table and Dan looks at your tears questioningly.

"We have to leave now" You whisper in his ear and then you turn to Milla, "Milla, John is feeling a little under the weather. He's by the bathroom really upset, he was asking for you" You say and she purses her lips, getting up from her seat and stalking over to the bathrooms.

"Why do we have to leave?" He asks and you just shake your head, "Why were you gone so long? Did he do something to you?" He asks.

"Dan please, let's just go ok? Just drop it" You say in a quiet tone.

"Did he hurt you?" He asks his voice rising, "I'll fucking kill him."

"No, not physically, of course not. Please Dan—let's just go" You say and when he sees the tears he nods, pursing his lips.

"Ok Sam, let's go home" He says wrapping an arm around your shoulder and leading you out of the restaurant.

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