Chapter 5

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As you walk into Las Encinas the next morning you feel your stomach doing back flips.

You keep your head down and check your watch. Though you had been hoping you had some extra time before you had to go wake John up there was no such luck, you are actually ten minutes late.

You attempt to walk into his room quietly deciding that this morning he could sleep in for an extra half hour. But when you enter you're surprised to see him sitting on his bed fully dressed, hands folded together and quite literally twiddling his thumbs. Thankfully he looks somewhat nervous also, at least you know you aren't alone in this.

When he sees you walking in he gives you the most beautiful smile "Good morning Samantha" He says in greeting.

"Morning" You yawn. You sit down in the chair across from him and try to appear nonchalant. After a few minutes of awkward silence you make an attempt at conversation.

"So this is a surprise." You say motioning to the bed and John cracks another smile and points at his clock radio.

"Alarm" He says and then you guys go back to the silence. You can feel the sexual tension in the room, every time you catch him looking at you or vice versa you can feel it. At some point you both catch each other's eye and look at each other, and you can see the lust in his eyes.

And then before you know it you are on top of him on the bed kissing him forcefully. And then you are lying on top of him and he is unbuttoning his flannel shirt. You kiss his neck and he pulls off your scrubs and plain long sleeve shirt. You can feel the heat coming from his body, his ribs sticking out of his torso, and the beat of his heart against yours.

"You are so beautiful" He whispers in between kisses.

"Do you know how many rules we're breaking right now?" You say grinning up at him. He doesn't answer you.

You kiss for a few more minutes before you suddenly pull away.

"What's wrong?" He asks looking worried, "did I do something?"

"No, you didn't do anything. I just realized that if someone walked into the room I would probably lose my job" You say, giving him a little half smile to show that nothing was wrong before pulling your shirt and scrub top back on.

"Oh, I see" He says going over to the door and shutting it.

"Thanks" You say walking over to where you threw your shirt and putting it back on, expecting him to do the same but he just lies back down on the bed and looks up at the ceiling, seemingly in deep thought. You decide not to interrupt him, instead pulling out a book and trying to read.

Unfortunately, you can't focus on your book, you keep sneaking glances at him and his stunning features are extremely distracting. Suddenly he talks but still does not looking away from the ceiling,

"I don't usually do this, just so you know" He says.

"What? Make out with your rehab nurses?" You laugh but his expression doesn't change.

"No, I mean make out in general; get close to having sex, or even have sex. I usually don't do this stuff unless I'm extremely attracted to someone" He says and you can see a blush creep into his cheeks.

"Oh..." You reply not knowing what to say next.

"You can come over here again if you want" He says a few seconds later, patting the spot next to him on the bed.

"I don't know if that's a good idea..." You say uneasily.

"Come on, Samantha I won't try anything" he says and you smile and walk over to the bed.

"Sam" you say when you lie down next to him and he looks at you, obviously confused, "my friends call me Sam" You say and he nods back. You sit with him for a while in silence with your arms wrapped around one another, completely at ease.

As the morning goes on talk and laugh and joke, even kiss a little more and for a little while just sit in silence thinking. As you talked to John and opened up to him you realized that you had never been so comfortable and completely at ease with someone so quickly before.

"Sam, you know how you know you've found someone you have a real connection with?" He says looking down at you.

"How?" You reply interestedly.

"When you can open up with someone and not run out of things to say to them, but then you can also sit it complete silence with them and it's not even awkward because you're so comfortable with them that it doesn't even matter that you're not talking" He says kissing the top of your head.

Suddenly you feel so much emotion towards John that you don't know if you want to cry or hug him.

You don't say anything, but snuggle closer to him in reply, loving the sense of security you feel wrapped up in his arms.

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