Chapter 55

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Hey guys :) I know this whole storyline is a sensitive topic and i just wanted to give a heads up that this chapter is especially sensitive in my opinion, so if you feel uncomfortable reading I totally get, if you want to skip it you could message me and I could tell you anything you're missing without giving any of the more delicate details...I love you all, thanks!

"Hey kiddo" Says your Uncle Ben, kissing your forehead.

"Hi" You say grinning, "Hey Cal" You say turning to your aunt.

"Sweetie, I'm so proud of you!" Your aunt says and you fake a smile. Even though you loved Callie more than most other people the fact that she had started out her first time seeing you since you got sick by saying something like that bummed you out a bit.

Tonight you were having your surgery to remove your breasts and you had heard so many people tell you they were "proud" over the past weeks and days you wanted to scream whenever your heard that word.

"Thanks" You say getting up off your hospital bed and hugging her tightly. You see John over her shoulder. He's standing awkwardly off to the side.

You frown at him and he walks towards everyone. Callie and Ben hadn't exactly been supportive of you getting back together with John and that's why they had been so hesitant about coming to visit you, only finally saying yes after you told them about your surgery.

"Hey babe" You say separating from Callie and giving him a hug, "How was the drive?" You whisper into his ear.

"Hi" He says kissing your cheek, "Fine, they barely said anything but at least they didn't yell at me." You laugh a bit at his response and he gives you a sly smile.

Uncle Ben clears his throat and you immediately sit down on the bed and Callie jumps to be next to you so that John can't sit down.

"You are so brave, getting this mastectomy. I don't even know if I could go through with it myself." She says, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear and you laugh weakly because you don't know exactly what to do.

"Yeah well everyone was so supportive, John's band, the doctor...all my friends, but especially John. He advised me a lot about it and supported me through the whole thing. I don't know what I'd do without him" You explain and you pull John towards you again.

"Its all Sam though really, she has been so strong the past couple months through everything, although you guys have no idea how much it means to both of us that you're here now, especially Sam though. She really missed you two" He adds with charming smile but Callie doesn't even look at him.

"So what time is your surgery again?" She asks you, ignoring John and his face visibly falls.

"Seven." You say through gritted teeth, shooting a fuming glance at Callie and then looking at John again. Seeing how uncomfortable he looks you decide to let him free, "Hey John, can you go get me some more ice chips? Please." You practically beg.

"Sure Sam" He says leaning down to kiss you and whispers 'thank you' in your ear to which you laugh but also grimace as he leaves.

"Cal, Ben, come on could you have been any more insensitive?" You ask.

"Probably" Says Callie with a shrug and you sigh.

"You guys are actually being unbelievably rude right now" You say shaking your head. You had never seen them act like this, they had always been supportive of you no matter what and being mad at them was a new feeling to you that you really didn't like.

"You know what was unbelievably rude? Him cheating on you" Says Callie and you roll your eyes, "What about that Dan guy, he was so good for you and you just left him to be with John again." She says and you sigh.

Running Away Into You (John Frusciante Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora