Chapter 52

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John P.O.V.

"Hey" Whispers Anthony tiptoeing into Sam's hospital room followed by Chad and Flea, "Is she up?" He asks and you shake your head.

"She's been sleeping basically since I got here, I think she really needs it." You reply, stroking her hair as she snores softly onto your t-shirt.

"She was probably super stressed while you were away, too stressed to get real sleep. Now that you're by her side she probably is a little more relaxed" Says Anthony.

"Yeah that's what some spirits have been trying to tell me I think" You say. Anthony nods and as he clears the doorway Chad and Flea walk in, toting more balloons and stuffed animals and flowers than you knew they could carry.

They set them down and sit in chairs around you. You flip off the tv and while Sam sleeps you and the guys talk about everything, from music to movies to art to the tour. Its one of the longest and most intense talks you've had since you first rejoined the band and you're really happy you're back in that place again.

You think about how its Sam that always brought you guys together, if it wasn't for Sam being your reason for getting better at rehab you probably would've died before you had the chance to talk to the guys like this again, and now, sitting in her hospital room, all brought together by mutual love for her, you were talking just like the old days again.

Just as you begin a debate about Wu Tang Clan vs. Public Enemy, Sam stirs awake.

"Hey Sami," You say tracing her jaw bone as she blinks a couple times, "look who's here" You say. She looks to the side of the room that no one is sitting, and the only thing there is a giant stuffed bear that is bigger than Clara, "A massive toy bear?" She asks raising an eyebrow and you smile.

"No, look at the other side of room" You say, fake rolling your eyes and she turns around.

"Oh my god! I didn't think you guys were going to be here too!" She exclaims, getting up out of bed and going over to them.

"Hey Sammy-whammy" Says Chad picking her up and spinning her around, "By the way I'm the one who paid for that big-ass bear"

"Hey Chadwick. I adored that big-ass bear as soon as I saw it" She says wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly. He sets her back down and she moves on to Anthony.

"Hey Ant" She says and he rests his chin on top of her head and pulls her close to him. She doesn't hug him back she just relaxes into his touch, snuggling her head into his neck.

"I'm so proud of you" You can hear him whisper and she stays silent for a while just leaning with him.

"Thank you" She says smiling at him and giving him one last squeeze before moving on to Flea.

He opens up his arms wide and she falls into his embrace, "Hey babe" She says grinning. As they're hugging you see the tears glistening in his eyes as he holds her fragile frame closer to his body.

You feel a pang of jealousy in your chest but it swallow it down, knowing you shouldn't be thinking about that now, it was selfish.

She sits back down on her bed next you, beaming. "I just want to say I'm so happy that all you guys came, I know you had to sacrifice a lot to see me and I appreciate that so much, you guys don't even know" She says, taking your hand and squeezing it.

"I'm going to get through this, I can feel it not only with the help of the doctors but with you guys, because you're my everything and I love you all so much" She says and you feel your heart jump into her throat at how strong she is and how together she is, now and always.

"Thanks Sami," You choke out, leaning over to kiss her, "I have to go to the bathroom" You announce, suddenly getting up and walking quickly out of the room.

Once you're out of their eyesight you start sprinting.

You currently don't have enough patience for the elevators so you go to the stairs and start going down them as fast as you can. You hear someone behind you but you don't turn around to see who it is.

You know who it is anyway— it was Flea. He could read your emotions and knew you well enough to know exactly what you were going to do.

When you reach the bottom of the stairs you burst through a door that leads to the back of the hospital. Once you get out there you wrap your arms around your chest and start to weep. You hold yourself, not caring about keeping your manliness and just let yourself cry.

A couple seconds later you hear the door open again and Flea comes rushing out, looking around wildly. When he locates you he stands still and doesn't say anything.

You don't even glance at him, but as you realize someone from the real world is watching you something snaps. You unwrap your arms and you start kicking the hospital wall and screaming.

All you can hope is Sam can't hear your screams or kicks. You keep kicking even though your feet hurt like hell and you're pretty sure you've broken at least one toe.

"God damn, god damn everything!" You scream before Flea comes over and gently tries to pull you away from the wall. You stop kicking but immediately shrug out of his grip, still crying.

You begin to pace around, every so often kicking a plant or something similar, "Its all my fault" you whisper to yourself over and over again, "Its my fault"

"John you have to stop, this is no ones fault. It's not something any one could control—please stop hurting yourself" He says in a calm tone, almost too calm, as though he was still in shock himself. You ignore him and keep babbling.

"I can't lose her again, I already wasted one year of my life without her, that stupid year. And now I have her back and this happens. It's a punishment from the spirits, they're getting back at me for leaving her in the first place by doing all this to her." You say between sobs, "What am I supposed to do? What should I do for you?" You scream up at the sky.

"John stop this, please. Its nothing near your fault, it just happened." He says softly, "Something good can come out of this, no one knows what yet but I promise you something will" He says.

"How can you say that? How can you say anything good can come of this...this is, possibly the hardest thing me and Sam—emphasis on Sam—have ever been through together, worse than the break up." You cry out, your voice strained because of the tears, "I just don't even know what to do? How do I react to things, what should I say, how to I even act around her, she's so delicate. I'm afraid I'll break her every time I touch her...and how do I help her deal with all this, I can't even imagine what she's going through right now and I..." You finish, your voice trailing off.

"Look man, I don't really know how to answer those questions. All I can tell you is I know this isn't going to be very easy, but I know you and I know Sam, and I know you guys can make it work. She's so strong, one of the toughest people I have ever met. She's been through a lot in her life, A LOT, but I know she can handle this especially with you by her side" He says seriously.

You look up at him and shake your head, not even attempting to wipe away the tears and snot mixing together on your face. Without saying anything he walks over to you and pulls you into a tight hug, patting your back.

You hug him back, still crying and closing your eyes, trying to pretend the last 24 hours had never happened, trying to erase them from your mind. You can't so you try to think about how good of a friend Flea, about how even though you have been through so much with the band and Sam, you still loved him like a brother and were happy to call him one of your best friends in the world.

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