Chapter 26

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"Hey babe, ready to go?" You ask as you check your makeup in the mirror.

"Yep, you look pretty" Says John giving you a kiss without making eye contact.

"Are you ok? You seem a little detached." You say cupping his cheek in your hand.

"Yeah I'm fine Sam, I think I must just be nervous I guess" He responds with shrug.

"Don't be honey. Just pretend it's not the Forum, pretend it's like an arena in Kansas or some tiny city" You say kissing his cheek.

"Let's just go" He sighs and you grab your purse and head out the door.

You get there soon enough and go straight backstage where Anthony is being cute with his girlfriend who you didn't really like and Chad was warming up in the corner.

"Hey guys" You say waving and setting a bottle of champagne on the table.

"Oh fancy" Says Chad getting up and grabbing the bottle.

"Yeah, I know but it is New Year's. . .I see you started the party early" You say pointing to the empty bottle of beer next to his kit and the current bottle in his hand.

"Yeah, you want one?" He asks and you turn to John. You hadn't drank since you had been with John and you weren't sure how he felt about it, "Do you mind John?" You ask.

"Yeah of course, have one. I'm not your dad" He says turning back to his white falcon guitar.

"What's up with the attitude?" Whispers Chad, pointing his thumb at John.

"He's just nervous" You whisper taking the cap off the beer.

"Hmmm..." Says Chad turning back to his drums. You sit and drink next to Chad and then when you're done you sit by John and talk to him but he still seems tense.

A couple minutes later you get up to go to the bathroom and you come back to see Milla Jovovich walk in. She's wearing a long vintage wedding dress and is making a beeline straight for John.

You sigh at annoyance at her obvious pining for John but are at least happy when you know she'll get the same treatment you'd been getting from him all day.

However much to your resentment he greets her warmly with a hug and a laugh.

"How'd she get in here" You growl to Anthony knowing you sound like a bitch but not really caring.

"She's Milla Jovovich, she can get in wherever the fuck she wants" He says raising his eyebrows, "But don't worry about it, John is probably just trying to be polite." He adds waving off your concerns.

"Anthony..." Barks his girlfriend Yohanna, looking first at him and then pointedly at the empty spot on the couch next to her.

"I um—have to go Sami, we'll talk later. Have another beer with Chad, loosen up kid" He says putting a hand on your shoulder and you shrug it off.

"Yeah, yeah"

You grab another beer and make your way to Chad's kit. You had to admit hanging out with him was fun. He must've taken pity on you seemed to be trying to give you a good time.

He taught you how to play some basic beat on the drums and even easy parts of Chili Pepper songs. When Flea came you he joined in and you continued to shoot dirty looks at where Milla and John were standing. After you finished your second beer you went over to say hi to John.

"Hey babe" You say planting a small kiss on his cheek and pulling up a chair to sit next him.

"Hi Milla, it's great to see you again" You say smiling at her and she rolls her eyes.

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