Chapter 7

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Thanks for the support everybody! I'm so happy about all of the readers I have already, it makes me so happy that people still love this fic!!! If you guys could vote or even comment I would love that too :) Thank you, much love ~frusciantefiction

"Samantha..." He says once you guys are back in the car.

"John don't" You respond, pulling out of the parking spot, "It's my fault. You weren't ready be in alone in the real world yet, it's my job to know that"

You emotionlessly begin the short drive back to Las Encinas.

"No, Sam, I shouldn't have tried anything. It was insulting to you, and I'm sorry". He says but you don't reply. The last few minutes of the drive are completed in silence.

"John, you aren't well," You say still not looking at him, "You didn't even know what you were doing" You add pulling the Las Encinas lot and getting out of the car.

"No I did Sam, I knew enough to know I shouldn't have been doing that. I'm sorry" He says running to catch up with you at the door.

"Look, John I'm going to take you back to your room, then I have to go see my boss" You say tiredly pressing the elevator button, it had been a long day already and it was only two pm.

"To tell her about what happened?" He says looking confused.

"John you know I have to, it's my job." You say walking into the elevator.

"But won't you get in trouble?" He asks and you shrug.

"Not really, I mean she gave me permission to take you out, so she's partially responsible" You answer, looking down at your shoes.

"Oh" He says and you walk him back to his room in silence.

"I'm going to have one of the other nurses come in and watch you while I'm out. I'll be back in a while" You say vaguely before walking out of the room.

John's POV

You had really screwed it up this time, playing her for a fool like that.

Her face when she saw you with that dealer...seeing her that hurt broke you.

You saw her trust for you draining out of her face. And now she was probably getting reprimanded by her boss for what you did, not to mention how upset she must be at herself.

You sat on your bed hanging your head and looking at the floor until you hear a light knock at your door. You look up, hoping to see Sam, but instead seeing Flea standing in the doorway.

"Hey what's up? Back so soon?" You ask in a startled tone.

"Hey man! I just missed you and wanted to see you as much as I can now that you're doing well" He says coming over to your bed, "Why the long face?" He asks after noticing your expression.

"Man, I screwed up" You say running a hand through your matted hair.

"I know man, that's why you're here, but don't worry everyone here wants to help you" He says patting your arm.

"No that's not what I mean, well actually it kind of has to do with that" You say laughing darkly to yourself and then proceed to explain the day's events.

"Wow, dude. I'm not going to lie, you screwed up with the girl big time for sure. But the people at this place should've known that you aren't really in a position where you can just leave, its only your third day here" He says shaking his head, "And even though it might be fun and sexy to hook up with your nurse it probably isn't a good idea, you know, for treatment in the long run."

You sigh. You know he's right but also know there's no going back now. When it came to your feelings for Sam even after two days you were in too deep.

"I've done the rehab thing before you know, and it doesn't really help me. I don't really know why I'm here" You say honestly.

"Then fucking leave John, if you don't want to get better don't waste money or these people's time. Why the fuck are you wasting the cash if you're just going to back to being a junkie when you get out again." He says getting up out of his chair.

"Where are you going?" You say, shocked by his sudden change in attitude.

"I'm fucking leaving John, you don't want to get better, and I don't want to hang around here if that's the case" He says before walking out the door.

"Come on" You whisper to yourself, angry that he would just leave like that.

However a few seconds later you realize that what he said was true, you didn't really want to get better, or even tried to get better.

All you did to help yourself was participate in group, and that was all fake stuff that you'd made up just to get a good report back to Sam. You would barely eat when she asked, you would flush your meds down the toilet, and you would try to buy drugs while out on a date with her.

As you thought about all your actions you thought about how much of an asshole you'd been, not only while you were here but for the past few years in general; it was no wonder that it took so little to tip Flea over the edge.

But now you did have a reason to want to get better: the way Sam had looked at you when she thought you were making an effort, the look of pride she'd had when you were talking about your participation in group, the smile on her face when you ate even the tiniest meal; you saw how happy it had made her, you even pretending to get better.

She would be your motivation, your reason to get better.

Sam came into your room a few minutes later looking concerned.

"John I saw Flea in the hall...and he looked pretty upset. What the hell happened while I was gone?" She asks hovering at the doorway.

"Well actually I was just about to tell you that, he said something that I want to share with you" You say and she looks curious in spite of herself.

"What?" She asks, letting down a little of her guard.

"Well Flea said I that I didn't even want to get better, which was true. In order to get better you have to want to be well again, and I didn't really. I wouldn't do anything to get better, not really." You begin.

"Is there a point to all this?" She asks, looking frustrated, "Or do you just want to keep listing reasons why me doing my job and helping you is a waste of time-" She tries to continue but you hold up your hand to stop her and then continue speaking.

"But now I want to get better, I saw how happy it made you when you thought I was getting better and I want to see that look on your face again. I want to get better for a million reasons but I can confidently say that one of those reasons is you." You conclude.

She smiles up at you through her eyelashes shyly. You get up off the bed and run over to her, attempting to kiss her, but she pulls away immediately.

"" She says stepping backwards.

"Oh right I forgot, here I'll close the door, no one will see" You say, reaching for the door.

"No, John leave the door open" She sighs and you are very confused, "I don't think we should really see each other all. I've asked my boss if I can be moved to a different ward" She says quietly.

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