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There was never really a happy moment in my life, I was beaten and called ugly names and never really got a decent amount of respect. My sister was the 'perfect' child, I thought my parents favored her over me even though they beat both of us. I on the other hand didn't really get the love they say they had for us, when they weren't drinking they were at business meetings in New York or Philadelphia and would never really be home.
    Melissa would take care of me on he nights they went out for work, which was mostly all he time. She was the only constant thing in my life, I cherished my sister more than life itself, I love her more than life itself. She made sure we had food on the table and made sure I went to school on time,         Melissa was like the mother I never had. We dreaded the time when our parents came back, they would always come home with liquor bottles and start drinking in the living room as soon as they entered the house. I would always hide in my room and hope to god they wouldn't beat me today.
        But sadly my prayers never worked and my parents would stumble into my room and beat the crap out of me until I could barely breathe. Hey would leave bumps, bruises, slash marks, and sometimes worse. I couldn't stop it or just fight back because what's the use? It's still going to happen one way or another, so why fight it?  I'd pick up a razor that I took from a pencil sharpener from school and slice open a little part of my skin on my arm each night. It would sting like hell but I never really cut that deep just enough for me to bleed.
                                                                                                I would wipe up the blood from the wound and put Neosporin to address it and make sure it hopefully wouldn't get infected, with my eyes stinging for the tears to be released I would cry myself to sleep every night. I never really had any friends either, I never really bothered with friends because I would always believe they would leave me as soon as something good actually happens in my broken world. So I never tried I would sit alone at the lunch table and busy myself with my studies until I get home.
When I get home I would see my parents passed out on the floor with the liquor bottle open and a little spilled on the glass table with the shot glasses used and the air filled with the bitter scent of alcohol. I run upstairs to my room and lock the door, I open my backpack and study my heart out to the time I get home to the time I have to go to bed.  I would stay up until 1AM and then collapse on my bed and fall asleep dreaming about getting out of here, and never coming back to this house of horrors.                     

A.N( Hey guys! What did you think of this? I know it was pretty sad but this story is revolved around sadness and how Toby saves her from this. I know I didn't mention Toby or Ian in this part but in chapter 1 which I will be writing tomorrow I will bring those characters into play. I just wanted you to really get to know Spencer's background before we really kick off this story. Thank You, with much love Natalia.❤️️)

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