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The supply run was supposed to be successful. Not saying that they all aren't, but that's besides the point. This one was supposed to get the group ahead by just a little bit. It was supposed to help.

However, it backfired. The members who went on the run, including yourself, were led to believe there was promise of a car. There wasn't, but there were lots of walkers to make up for it. The Hilltop Colony that you were starting to trade with before the Saviors stepped in, fed you the rumor. Now, you had wasted precious supplies, just to come back empty handed. Not only did you not find anything, but you also came back a couple hours before Negan and his little band of nitwits, showed up.

That's what led you to this situation. Not. Cool.


For the remainder of the ride to the compound, you stared off into space and Negan didn't say anything more, obviously lost in his thoughts.

The RV came to an abrupt stop and you lurched forward, panic rising in your chest. You grabbed the window sill and the tabletop in front of you, jerking your eyes over to where Negan sat, staring out of the windshield.

"You've got to be shitting me." He said, a smug expression settling on his face. He took one look at you and stood up, slowly striding over to the door across from the booth. He flung it open and gestured in a polite, mocking way saying, "After you, princess."

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you stepped out, wondering what the hell was going on. As soon as your foot hit the soggy ground, you wanted nothing but to flee back inside. This was not the compound.

"Where the hell are we?" Your voice rang out in the silence that surrounded you. Negan seemed to be impressed that you were able to speak your mind without fearing his retaliation. In reality, you just didn't really think about what you said before you said it, it normally just came out with a mind of its own.

"We're wherever the fuck I say we are," Negan spat and suddenly a wave of dread surged through your body. You seemed to remember your place and receded into yourself after that comment, knowing to tread carefully with whatever you say next.

Taking in your surroundings seemed to be the smart thing to do. The first thing you noticed was a small house that sat ahead of the van. It was a pastel yellow colored cottage, almost faded looking. Splotches of blood decorated it in an unfashionable way. No walkers were in at least a hundred yard radius, which seemed odd. The door was a dark chocolate wood that seemed almost too small for the door frame. The curtain in the window at the top of the house was pulled back and a dark figure sat out of sight, pointing a gun in your direction.

On instinct, you took a step back, colliding with Negan, forcing his hands to rest on your shoulders. His eyes were a shiny dark brown as they stared down at you, making them look almost black. His mouth was tense, holding a frown that didn't escape your gaze. The rest of the saviors sat in the cars behind the RV, waiting for a signal.

"Negan, what is going on?" You dared to whisper, unable to stop the words from falling from your lips. You also noticed the way his eyes flicked down to watch your lips move as you talked. You chose to ignore the thrill it shot into your lower stomach.

"You really are outspoken, princess. We'll need to work on that." He said through clenched teeth and you wondered what's happening with him right now, since he wouldn't say anything or at least give a small answer to the questions hanging in the air.

He moved from behind you and reached into the RV, without getting back in it. His bat wrapped in barbed wire, known as Lucille was the object he was searching for. You took this brief chance to examine the small cottage further. Taking a step in that direction, you slowly began to inch closer.

His PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now