secrets and lies

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Amber was full of shit. 

She had to be. 

Ellie and Negan? No way. Wasn't true.

It couldn't be

You glanced up and watched Ellie as she moved across the room. You watched her hand movements as she went to pick up the dryer sheet box. You watched everything. 

She opened the box and her eyes widened, her hand flying to her mouth. What was she doing? 

She dropped the box and ran out, not looking at you and turning the corner. You were determined to figure out what the hell her dilemma was all of a sudden, so you ran after her.

She was in the bathroom, in a stall, puking her guts out. 

"Ellie?" You asked, waiting for her by the sink until she was done. She came out looking pale and wiping her mouth. 

You gave her a look that told her she better start talking. 

"I think I'm pregnant." She said, holding your gaze for a moment before passing you and rinsing off her hands and the bile stench. You didn't know what to do with this information and she obviously didn't want to talk about it. So, you left the questions unanswered and you both returned to the laundry room. Was it the smell of the dryer sheets?

Negan was sitting on a bench near the door and you both jumped at seeing him sitting there. 

"Good to see you both take your jobs very seriously." He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at you, which only ruffled your feathers. 

"Ellie threw up. I went to help her." You said, crossing your arms as well and Negan didn't pay any attention. He stood and walked in front of Ellie, forcing her to look into his eyes. She nodded and began to cry, hugging him. The sight made you gasp and you looked away quickly, feeling like an intruder on the situation. 

Was Negan the father? 

Was Amber right?

"What the hell do you want?" 

"Nice to see you too, Amber." You pushed past the blonde into her room and she shut the door behind you, earning her a few disgusted looks from the other wives in the corridor. 

"What did I do to deserve this wonderful visit?" She asked sarcastically, making you smile a sweet, yet sadistic grin. 

"You knocked me out and tied me to a fucking chair, Amber." You said, leaning up against her desk on the back wall. She only shrugged and began to pick at her fingernails. 

"Fine, what do you want now? You already turned me in." She said the last part with venom and that made you reconsider this little chat. 

"How do you know about Negan and Ellie? What's the story?" You asked and she smiled. The look on her face made you uneasy and somehow you knew this was a bad idea. 

"If I tell you, what will you give me?" She bargained, an evil smirk falling upon her face. You rolled your eyes and stood up, beginning to walk toward the door she was standing in front of. 

"This was a mistake. I'll leave now." You told her and a panicked look crossed her face. 

"Wait! I'll tell you." She offered, touching your arm and pointing to her bed for you to sit. Something told you that you should still just leave but for some reason your legs were moving to cross her room and sit down. 

"I know a lot more than you think I do. I'm a watcher. I see people. I've learned to read them just as easily as hearing their voice. Ellie has been here since the beginning. I'm not quite sure how long that is, but that's what I know. She has always been by Negan's side and she's friendly to everyone. People love her." Amber seemed to think about this for a moment and looked away. 

"So how does Negan love her in a romantic way?" You asked, thinking that nothing so far has told you about Negan and Ellie as a couple. 

"I've heard him say it to her. It was a little before you came. He told her he loved her and would never let anything happen to her." She met your eyes and a tight smile graced her lips. 

"What?" You asked, frowning at her expression. 

"You might as well give up now. He only bows down to one woman. That woman is Ellie. You may think you have a chance, but someone has already taken the spot that you now want. Trust me, I would know." Then she got up and opened the door, gesturing for you to leave. 

"Thanks." You felt obliged to say it. 

"Don't thank me. Nothing I said helped you." She closed her door as soon as you stepped out of it. 


"To what do I owe this pleasure, princess?" Negan sat at his desk, holding a book, glasses resting on his nose. You decided to talk to him on your way back to your room, but seeing him now almost made you rethink it. 

You hated that even knowing he was probably going to become a father soon, he still made your heart flutter and your breath catch at the sight of him. 

"I wanted to talk." You said, keeping your words short and sweet. He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. He set his book down and gave you his full attention, which somehow made you nervous. 

"About what? The other night? There's nothing to talk about. You kissed me and you shouldn't have. Now we move on and pretend it never happened." His words stung but a part of you expected this. Suddenly, you weren't in the mood for talking. He and Ellie could have each other for all the shits you gave. 

"Fuck you, Negan." You spat, turning to leave the room. He stood and as you opened the door his large hand shut it roughly, moving in behind you. 

"You sure you want to say that and leave? I was thinking about taking you up on that offer." His smirk made tears burn in the back of your eyes and you knew then that whatever this was between the two of you, isn't what you wanted. 

Without another word, you pushed him back and exited the room, crossing the short distance to your own. 

As soon as you closed the door, you leaned against it and slid down to the floor. 

A knock sounded on the door and you jumped. 

You didn't move to open it, not caring who it was. 

"Princess, please open the door." Negan's voice made you shiver with how calm and quiet he sounded. You got up and opened the door, readying yourself to give him a piece of your mind. He strode in and slammed the door closed, pulling you up against him and crushing his lips on yours. 

"Negan, wait I-" You tried to speak but he put his hands on your ass and lifted you, curling your legs around his waist. He turned and pressed you up against the door, his arms wrapped around your body and he kissed down your neck, making you moan in pleasure. His teeth nipped at your skin, fabricating a groan from deep in his chest at hearing your pants of delectation. 

If this was bliss, then you were taking it for granted right now.

So, is this good? I know where I'm going with it...I just am having a hard time figuring out how to get there lol

Do you want a sex scene with Negan? If so, let me know otherwise I might just leave it at these excerpts. 

His PrincessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz