unadulterated bliss

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Man what even is my writing anymore haha
Sorry guys I've been M.I.A. for a while but here's another chapter to satisfy your needs, I hope you don't hate me <3

Amber's POV

"Where is that bitch?" My voice echoed into the never-ending hallways of this sickening prison. 

The ghostly sound of sunlight streaming through the windows to illuminate these empty halls were a sign of desperation. What would become of us? Where would we go? What would we have to do now that we aren't spoken for. 

There was a point to being a wife. There was a rule. 

That rule was broken by a girl. 

"A dead girl." I finished my own thought as I navigated the hall. I stopped at a T in the chamber and decided to go left. You know what they say, when things don't go right, go left. So I did. What I found was simply a travesty. I heard his booming voice barking orders before I saw him. 

Negan had his arm wrapped around her like she was a prize he had won. 

Suddenly, I saw red.

Your POV

The last thing you remembered was seeing Amber take off her shoe and launch it at your head. 

God, you couldn't wait for that bitch to be gone for good. 

You woke up to a pounding headache and Negan sitting in a chair across from the bed, staring at you with hard, unmoving eyes. 

You sat up slowly and grimaced, reaching a hand toward your head. 

"She knocked me out?" You asked, thinking about the answer and what it would mean. Negan shut his eyes then, for a long second you wondered what he was thinking about. 

"Amber has been..." he paused, seeming to search for the right words, "dealt with. She will no longer be a problem to you or anyone else." 

You sat upright more abruptly and stared at him. 

"What did you do?" You whispered, not really sure why you even cared after all she had done but wanting to know the answer. 

His lips were pinched together in a way that made it look uncomfortable. He hand his leather jacket on and you tilted your head to the side, suddenly realizing his visit wasn't a little house call. 

"Negan...what's going on? Where is everyone?" Your words seemed to echo in the emptiness of the room and you wondered if the answer was something you wanted to hear. 

"Everyone is going about their business doing exactly as they have been. The wives have a new job that keeps their own foots up their asses like before and they have a nice little place in the kitchen," he paused and thought for a minute, "you were right. In the end, they were still afraid of me and all of the big to-do I made it seem like, was just a knick in the road."  He got up and paced about the room. He wouldn't look at you and something felt oddly wrong about all of this. 

"Negan what is going to happen now? I have a bad feeling about all this." He turned with wild, lust-filled eyes and rushed at you. 

Very gently, but with urgency, he grabbed your face and pressed his full lips to yours. You breathed him in and your hands flew up to squeeze his rough arms, pulling him closer. He crawled on top of the bed and held himself over you carefully, never breaking your connection. 

Your mouths moved hungrily against each other and you finally broke apart, kissing up his neck while he began to take off his jacket. 

A knock sounded on the door. 

You both stopped, breathing heavily, the body heat making your head spin with lust. Negan got up and stalked over to the door, throwing it open. 

You realized you were in his bed, in his room and it for some reason, made you smile. 

A man you had never seen before was standing there. 

Negan didn't speak. 

They stared each other down and for the first time in a while, a sliver of fear slid down your spine. What was about to go down? 

After a few more moments of silence, the unknown man showed a toothy grin and stepped toward Negan in a way that made you stiffen with shock.

"Hello, brother." The man shot a glance at you and he stepped around Negan. 

"Wow, I see your taste in women has only gotten better," the man said, eyeing you with something that you wouldn't call appropriate. 

That was when Negan spoke.

"What in the fuck do you think you're doing here Kale?" Negan turned to look at Kale but he just kept staring at you. 

Honestly, you had to admit this man was beautiful. He looked like a younger and less hot version of Negan. 

For some weird reason, the name sounded familiar. 

"What do you mean? I thought you'd be happy to see me. I'm here to save your ass, yet again." This Kale guy seemed a lot like Negan with how smug he was acting and the way he genuinely carried himself. 

"You were dead Kale. They told me they killed you." Negan's voice seemed small for the first time since you had met him. Kale took more steps toward you until he was standing right next to the bed. 

"You are such a pretty little thing. I think I'm definitely more suitable in age for you than my older brother." He spoke down to you with a glint in his eye. A spark of mischief that you didn't like. 

Negan growled and came up to Kale. 

"Stay the fuck away from her. She's mine." Negan glanced down at you and your heart sped up after hearing that. He just called you his. 

"Wow, only one woman this time? I'm impressed. There must be something special about this one." Kale's intrigue only seemed to heighten with Negan's words. 

"Ellie has been devastated. How could you leave her like that?" Negan's anger seemed to be growing and you simply sat still and stayed silent. 

Kale grinned at you and you knew that whatever was about to happen, wasn't going to be good. 

So wow Kale is back and apparently hot?

He seems to have taken a liking to you. I see a conflict of interest here. 

Shits about to go down. 

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