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*unknown's POV*

I watched with indignation as she covered her mouth in shock, watching as the two brothers fought each other off over a stupid girl. 

Said girl was just watching, acting as if she was in "shock." But I knew better. I had met this girl before. I knew her before. I knew what she was capable of.

I can't wait for my chance to kill her.

She doesn't remember me. Thinking I'm just another face in the crowd. I know her weakness and I can't wait to exploit it. 

I took a drag on my cigarette. I didn't care if smoking wasn't allowed inside. Fighting wasn't allowed either, but look at the big boss, breaking his own rules. This place was a joke. It's a prison where you fight to survive and survive just to fight. For a brief moment I almost felt bad for the girl, her eyes searching helpless for someone to step in, break up the fight. 

And then her eyes locked with mine. 

My heart sped up, wondering if she'd recognize me. Hoping she would. It would make all of this so much easier to execute my plan.

But her eyes continued to the next person, wondering who would stop the chaos thundering down the hall. No one would dare touch the big bad Negan. Who the hell did she think was going to help?

I think after a few moments passed, she realized exactly who she was dealing with and why no one made a move to stop them. She noticed some of the gardeners had come in from outside to see the commotion and she stomped over to where one of them was holding a hoe. She grabbed it quickly from his hand and flipped it so the sharp edge was closer to her face. I guessed she didn't want to physically hurt them.

"Hey! Cut it the fuck out or I will beat you both to death, understand!?" She yelled at them waving the wooden part around. I took another drag on my cigarette, amused at how ridiculous all this fuss was about. 

I wanted to get out of here. 

This place blows. It used to be a fortress. Now look at it. Just as stupid as the rest of the hooligans wandering around this world. But first I must complete my mission. I must kill her. 

I stood outside watching the walkers clawing at the fence. Something was coming. I could feel it. I took a hefty last puff of the cigarette hanging from my lips. 

"Nice to get air out here huh?"

I turned my head at the light voice coming from next to me. My eyes widened ever so slightly at the one and only girl I couldn't stop thinking about. The one I was here for. The one I wanted dead more than anything. And she was talking...to me.

This was bad.

"Yeah...better than being in that schoolyard inside." My voice was gruff and I cursed myself for getting hostile when I had never spoken to her before. I didn't want her getting suspicious.

"What's your name? I'm afraid we haven't met. It's now kinda my job to know everyone around here." She extended her hand and I glanced down at it. Her hand looked delicate, soft, untouchable. It made me want to grab her by the hair and stuff her face in the mud beneath my feet. Make her beg me to stop. How sick? How twisted was that. How much I wanted her to suffer. How small she really seemed in person.

I glanced away from her hand and reached into my pocket. Her eyes darted there and I watched her withdraw her hand quickly. 


She's watching my hand now, wondering what I'm going to pull out. A knife? I palmed my pocket blade between my fingers, thinking how easy it would be to flip it open and quickly put her down with nobody out here but us. 

Instead I moved my hand past my blade and pulled out a flower I had picked earlier. I handed it to her. 

"My name? It's Daff." That wasn't my name. It's what people called me, but she would never have the luxury of knowing me. I handed her the daffodil. 

"Huh...I didn't know it was daffodil season..." She took the bulb from me and turned it over in her hands. Damn she was smart. This might be harder than I thought. It wasn't daffodil season. Hopefully she did not catch on to where or how I might have gotten such a wondrous flower. My outside sources and I have had this entire process planned. We have been planning it out for the better half of the year. 

I didn't want this conversation to continue. I didn't plan on speaking to her. I didn't want her thinking about me more than a moment's glance. 

"Well I better get back to work. Nice meeting you." I started to turn away after I said that and something she said stopped me in my tracks, mulling over how to respond.

"Wait, you never asked my name." She gave me a small smile like this was a normal thing to say in conversation...and it was, just not with someone like me. 

"I know your name." I tried to give her a slight smile as well but something in her eyes changed. That's when I knew I'd fucked up. I'd taken it too far by telling her I already knew who she was. Now she was going to ask question. I had to plan my escape tonight.


 A/N sorry guys...please please forgive me and tell me what you think of this chapter. Not only is the brother a problem but now you have more to worry about with this mysterious "Daff" person. Interesting. Comment and like! If I get enough comments and likes I'll put out a new chapter soon. Let me know if you want the challenge to have a deadline. I won't disappoint.


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