unspoken words

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**I know guys it's been forever and I'm so sorry :( I've been working two jobs and have been prepping to finally start college this fall after a year of being out (couldn't afford it last fall) so just bear with me and we'll make it to the end of this story together.**

To say that everything was fine would be a lie.

Shit has gone down in the past few weeks and things have become a little hectic. 

Negan still has his wives. He still has the conflict with Rick. Things have just become a little more intense lately. Negan captured a former friend of yours, Sasha, and she took her own life. Before that, Eugene joined your group and somehow a part of you never liked him. You feel like in some way, he had something to do with what happened to Sasha. However, you have no evidence and no grounds to go about accusing people of such things, like help in suicide, when you have so many other things on your plate. Like the fact that Negan made you his personal assistant. 

That's right. The fucker has you following him around like a puppy. You have to take note of things that need to be restocked and things that need fixed. Who has had too much of something and who hasn't had enough. It's rather entertaining, really. You find yourself dipping a bit into people's lives more now, than you had sitting in one room all day, listening to Ellie's mindless ramblings. 

You continued to catch Negan looking at you. More like gazing to be completely honest because that man didn't know how to not stare at someone for more than a normal length of time. He had a way of making people squirm that you think he enjoyed a little too much. 

The most enticing thing to happen was something that would occur a couple days from now. However, let's start here. 

Today, you are going to meet someone. She is very special to Negan and you didn't even know who she was or if she existed, because you had never even heard of her. 

Her name is Evangeline. She is in a coma. Those are just two key facts to remember for right now. Let's get onto the part where you meet her. 

Negan is dragging you around the entire compound again, checking in on each member of the staff, the kitchen, the bathroom and shower areas, etc. He stops in front of a door that you had never seen before. It was interesting because it was the only door in the compound that had bullet holes in it. How did you know this? Negan told you and with great enthusiasm which made your eyes narrow and your curiosity spike. He opened the door and allowed you inside. 

"This is one of the many reasons we need to keep this place secure and safe from anything that wants to find its way in," Negan said this with indignation and that made your eyebrow raise, wondering what in the hell was behind this door that could make him speak so angrily and softly at the same time. His eyes seemed to show a vulnerability that he only allowed you to see. 

Then you saw her. 

Gods, she was beautiful. Not in a sexual way, but in a way that made you stare in wonder and amazement that someone as striking as her existed. Your mouth parted in shock and you glanced at Negan who seemed to be watching you. The woman was laying on her back on a twin size bed, a gown neatly framed her body. You could tell even from her lying down that if she stood, she would be an Amazon of a woman, towering over you and commanding attention from everyone in the room. 

"This is Evangeline." Negan's voice carried into the room and you resisted the urge to shush him, before you realized that she is the one he talked of earlier that hadn't woken up in years. 

"She's beautiful." You said softly, turning your eyes to his again, making it known that you were very intrigued by the woman that has no voice. Something about the air in the room made it tense and you decided it was her. That even though she wasn't there in mind, she was in spirit. 

"Who is she to you?" You gathered up the nerve to ask and from Negan's sharp intake of breath, you wondered if it was too out of line. 

"I figured you would ask that. I've been trying to come up with an answer but I might as well just tell you." He breathed in deeply once more and for some reason, that unsettled you. 

"Negan.." You turned to face him fully and he looked away from you and up at the ceiling before into your eyes again. 

"She was my first wife." Your hand flew up to your mouth in shock, covering the gasp that escaped. You turned back to her and couldn't help but ask your next question, "What happened to her?" 

Negan shook his head and laughed, eyeing you with amusement. 

"She was hurt, took a crowbar to the head and no one has been able to bring her back since. We still keep her because she isn't dead, otherwise she would be one of them. We see no reason not to keep her safe until her final passing..." he paused, "it's been 4 years now." 

You kept silent this time, thinking about his words and how even though this man seems ruthless, he might just be the only man left that isn't. 

A few days passed. 

Negan gathered everyone to make an announcement. 

This striked you as odd because he normally tells you now anything and everything that was happening around him and he did not share with you that he would be doing this. 

That enticing thing that was mentioned earlier? This is it.

Negan announced that he would be getting rid of his wives. 

Okay whatcha think?

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