cloudy thoughts

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First off! I want to say thank you to all the readers! You make me want to write and finish this story and that has never happened to me before. 

Secondly! How much longer would you guys like this story to be? Because I could come up with some things to make it longer, OR I could end it in another few chapters, I'll let you guys decide. 

The next few days went by in a blur. You worked like you were supposed to and mainly kept to yourself, ignoring all Ellie's attempts at speaking to you. Somehow, although unfairly, you blamed her because otherwise you would blame yourself for what happened and that seemed to be worse than if it had been Ellie's fault. 

You passed the wives every so often and this time they watched you pass rather than looking away like before. The only conclusion you could come to was that they knew what had transpired between you and Negan and they felt victorious. 

Sadistic bitches.

About a week after, you hadn't seen Negan at all and you felt heartbroken. You weren't even sure why, it wasn't like you were ever really together officially. That thought made you sit in your room and cry for a few hours. It was your day off and you didn't know what to do with yourself. You made your way outside to get some fresh air. It was getting close to being winter and the air was more crisp with cold. 

As soon as you opened the door you gasped. Negan was standing there at the top of the landing in front of you, kissing one of his wives. They broke apart at your appearance and Negan turned his hard eyes upon you, not a lick of remorse on his face. 

You turned your eyes to the girl and noticed it was the quiet one that told you she couldn't speak to you, that day you went to do the wives' laundry. You weren't angry at the point and only felt sadness grasp your heart. So, instead of lashing out like Negan seemed to be expecting you to, you lifted your chin and narrowed your eyes, walking past them. 

No words were said but it was pretty clear that you were trying to snub them completely. Negan, however, couldn't keep his mouth shut to save his own life and took the liberty to speak up.

"So that's it princess?" His words made you freeze as a feeling of anger finally flared up in your stomach. You slowly turned on your heel to face him. The small girl looked between you and decided to slip back in the door you had come out of. Smart girl.

"Fuck you, Negan." Was all you said to him and turned, walking away again. You felt a triumph you had never known flood your chest, making a smile flutter onto your face. 

"What?" He growled, his voice coming closer to your retreating form. Was he following you? 

You rolled your eyes and spun to face him again, not expecting his mouth to be so dangerously close to yours. Whatever words you were going to throw at him, died in your throat, clogging it, making a lump form at how bad you wanted him. Rage rolled off his powerful body in waves and suddenly he closed the distance between the two of you. 

His chest pressed against yours and he breathed hard, not breaking eye contact with you. A door into the compound was a few feet away and you could just make a run for it to escape him before you do something you would most definitely regret. Something like kissing his pouty mouth. It just looked so good from this angle. 

Your mind caught up and you turned to go toward the door, fleeing his hold and flinging the door open, almost hitting him in the process. He followed after you and you realized if you turned another corner you would make it to your room. Your legs picked up pace and you saw your room in your sights, before you were pushed forward by strong hands, to Negan's room. 

He shoved you through the doorway and locked the door behind him. His hungry eyes turned on you and suddenly chills broke across your skin. You were completely and utterly powerless under his hot gaze. There is no way that you would have sex with him. Not now. Not when he has fucked this relationship up many times. 

He made a move toward you in a dominant stride, and you almost lost yourself in the way his body moved. 

"No, Negan stop." You said but even he heard how breathless you were. Even he sensed you relinquishing control. His eyes darkened when he heard it and you knew there was no going back now. 

You were going to let Negan do whatever the hell he wanted, just this once. You knew you couldn't have him but maybe just this one time, he could be yours. 

You could finally say, He's mine.

Should they have sex or not? Because it could be hot and angry sex which I feel like Negan is best at buttttttttttttt it also just doesn't seem like the right time. I feel like making it the right time would also not be Negan's style. 


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